HubSpot Ideas


Add rich media like images to snippets

The snippets feature for quickly adding often used phrases and short-form copy within emails would really benefit from supporting rich media like images. This would mean regularly used screenshots, diagrams, or graphics could be added with accompanying text to the snippets library saving countless hours for marketing, sales, and services teams.

Mises à jour HubSpot
Statut mis à jour : Not Currently Planned
April 27, 2020 02:51 PM

I'm updating this issue to 'Not currently planned' as the team is not planning on this in the next quarter of work.




63 Commentaires

I agree that this is an easy and valuable thing i could really use.






This would be incredibly helpful. It's been five years since this requests was opened. Any progress? Any workarounds other than using templates? 


Hi Guys, 


I've recently built images-in-snippets functionality into my chrome extension "Snippet power tools".

You can scroll down to the features section to see a demo.

It allows you to insert any public image as a url into a snippet - then when you go to use it in the helpdesk or inbox it'll swap the link out for the image you want.

Way easier than having to keep all your images on standby so you can copy and paste. 

If you have any questions, feel free to message me.