The snippets feature for quickly adding often used phrases and short-form copy within emails would really benefit from supporting rich media like images. This would mean regularly used screenshots, diagrams, or graphics could be added with accompanying text to the snippets library saving countless hours for marketing, sales, and services teams.
This would be SO incredibly helpful!!! We send so many generic emails t hat have instructions with images to support and we are desparate to get this feature added. Seems like a very easy thing to program like any old email or text box that allows image attachments and image inserted into the text.
Sorry for blatantly adding you in this conversation, but I've seen you've been active on the Hubspot Ideas community pages. Could you check if someone can take a look at this again and prioritize it accordingly. Or just give us a little bit of a better estimate than "not Q3 2020". This would save tons of effort for people actively using the Service Part in Hubspot. Thanks!
I agree this would be a very useful tool! My sales team includes photos of our machines in almost every initial quote & email, so it would be a huge time saver.
Not being able to include images in our response to customers via HubSpot and having to revert to Outlook greatly impacts on our migration to HubSpot (i.e.; reduces the revenue we could be generating if we had this feature).
If we could even copy and paste images into emails this would help.
This would be extremely beneficial to us as well. We use charts and diagrams (among other image types) all the time, but generally can't use snippets as a result.
Our team is migrating to HubSpot inboxes and not being able to include images in snippets is definitley a downside - we currenlty have the ability to do this in our existing communication software. Images/attachements in snippets would be a huge help!
I hope this idea will be reconsidered! We need WYSIWYG/Rich Text editor capabilities in the Snippets tool. We moved away from a tool that does this now. Let's make HubSpot modernized! 😄
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