HubSpot Ideas


Add "quote link" token in automated email tool

We recently upgraded to sales enterprise.  We are using a quote-based workflow.  We want to build several notifications: for example, when a deal reaches a stage called "complete", but the customer has not yet paid their invoice, we want to send a reminder with a link to the quote so the customer can easily submit their payment.  This is a very common use case with obvious benefits.




The problem is, the "token" for a simple quote link is not currently available in the email tool.  There are other similar links, such as "Download Quote PDF" and "Object ID", but there is no way to give the customer a link to the quote so the can easily submit their payment.


The link IS available in other contexts thougout hubspot... For example, when you create a quote, the system gives you a chance to copy the link: 


Or, from within a deal or a contact, you can manually "Create Email" and manually a link like this: 


But within the automated email builder, there is no way to include the link:






15 Comentarios

I'm desperate for this feature. I need to set up a reminder email to send before a quote expires and there's currently no way to add a "click here to view quote" button!


We want to do the same thing as jvandervoorn! Would love to send out a reminder email to send before a quote expires!




It's crazy to have a quote tool that doesn't make you easily send reminders to the customer to sign that quote using an email that has the link to the quote...


This needs to be added .... I too would like to utilize the automation in Hubspot to send out reminders for unsigned quotes.  It really doesn't make sense that this isn't an option.

Miembro | Partner

Please add this feature.


I was able to achieve this in my automation workflow, by using the syntax shown on with the relevant internal property ids (as obtained through the Quotes API).


Essentially, I just embed a link with the URL set to:

https://{{ quote.hs_proposal_domain }}/{{ quote.hs_proposal_slug }}

This works for me in my HubSpot instance, but you should obviously test it on yours to confirm because YMMV and all that.


Thanks for that @eterobby - works great, you're a star! 


Please add this feature.  I tried the using the personalization tokens in a marketing email as suggested by @eterobby  but couldn't get the correct domain and slug to come through. 


It seems crazy there isn't a follow up email feature for quotes.  At the very least, make the external URL an invoice property within hubspot.  There's a property for the link to download the pdf, why not one for the actual quote? 


Background: We use eSignatures in our quotes and I wanted to send our customers reminder emails with the links to the eSign quotes.
I battled with this one for hours. The links with the tokens didn't want to work at all. The tokens just didn't work.

I just found out that if I used a different quote template, the tokens started to work. I don't know yet exactly why.

I used this in my email:


https://{{ quote.hs_domain }}/{{ quote.hs_slug }}



Worked when I used a custom quote template instead of using the standard ones.

Hope this helps at all 🙂


Hello, I also tried to use the method used by @eterobby but wasn't able to figure out how to find this part of the URL: 

{{ quote.hs_proposal_slug }}

@eterobby or @MWilliams3 any insights on where you found this information to personalize/connect it to the contact receiving the automated email?


HubSpot Employee

Has there been any update on this feature please?


Would love to see an update on this. We have a membership based organization and are using the quote process for renewals. Not being able to automate this e-sign link system is becoming a very frustrating issue.

Colaborador | Partner nivel Elite

Would be a great feature. Will try the workaround, but seems like an easy feature to implement by HubSpot


Agree on this one - it's all info that exists - let's have a way of referencing the most recent quote in a deal, so it can be shared in automated comms to customers.



HubSpot Employee