Hey folks, did you know you can actually create datetime fields in Hubspot? The thing is you can't create them through the interface. You need to do so through API. Fortunately, Hubspot's API docs are set up so that you can do this without too much coding knowledge. See this short video:
After recording I did realise that Hubspot only lets you evaluate whether a date property is X days or months before, after etc., not hours or minutes. So this may not cover all use cases mentioned here, but might still help some folks!
Can you please clarify if your solution creates a datetime property for each contact, containing a timestamp for whenever the property was generated via API? And will it be overwritten when regenerating the property?
I still struggle to think how this will help our team achieve what we want to do - we want to update certain Contact properties on the 1st day of each calendar month, preferably at a specific time (eg. 3:01am in the morning at a certain timezone). This means we need to schedule specific workflows to run at that time. I am not sure how setting up a datetime property would help us achieve this goal?
I am also unsure if upgrading to an Enterprise license will give us access to more options? We are migrating our HubSpot to a global instance which will be using an Enterprise license - and we are not sure what additional features come with Enterprise licenses in regards to scheduling workflows.
@TJWright What I demonstrated creates a datetime property for all contacts, exactly like it would be if you created a custom property in Hubspot itself. The only difference is this will create a property capable of storing the time as well as the date. How you update the property with data is entirely up to you.
As for your use case, scheduling workflows is part of Operations Hub Pro and up since a few weeks. This will let you set a schedule for a workflow and it will enroll any records that meet the trigger every time that schedule is met.
There might be a non-Operations Hub way to do this, which is slightly more hacky and ugly, but should work. But I need more details on your use case. If you're interested, feel free to DM me - let's not pollute the Idea thread 😉
100% Agree. We've created a custom property called "Deal Response Time" to see how long it takes for the team to take action on a new lead but currently it's only comparing two dates and when they're the same, it's flawed information.
Having specific times for when the Deal was created first the First Activity Date (another custom field we created) would allow us to have accurate information.
I want to be able to store the time of an appointment on a deal, i.e. the time that our saleperson is scheduled to meet the customer. But I don't seem to be able create a property that has a time value.
Hi @Colin_Perry , we generally use custom text properties or drop downs for this purpose. As myself and others have identified here, it is clearly far from the ideal solution, but at least you can have an idea of the meeting times for your salespeople, and use them as mandatory/triggering properties in deals.
I need this feature for Sakari SMS reminders for meetings. The fact we can't easily create a workflow to trigger based off meeting time minus 1 hour is very frustrating.
Thanks @hendry1 , I used the work around suggested by @JByrne2. Needing 15 min increments means having to upload a lot of options but at least I have something that works for us.
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