HubSpot Ideas


Add more search options to Inbox search for Knowledge Base articles

Hey there! I am posting this on behalf of my customer (hey elves 👋)
We would love to see more search functionality available when adding knowledge base articles to chats. Currently, the search function only uses Page Title and not keywords or body content.
For example, if we have an article in our knowledge base with the keyword Jingle, but it does not have Jingle in the title, the search will not pull up the article as expected.
Being able to search using keywords would amazing!
Thank you.
Jaycee and the Elves
2 Replies

This would be very helpful for our Elves (support team) in adding articles to chats and emails!


Efficiency is the name of the game when it comes to providing excellent customer support. Having the ability to quickly search for resources to best serve our users/customers and guide them to success would be a helpful feature for our support team.