HubSpot Ideas


Add email to CRM record button

I would like to see an enhancement that enable being able to capture inbound emails in HubSpot with an "Add Email" button, similar to what Salesforce already has in place for MS Outlook desktop and Office 360. The current Hubspot method to capture email contents is lacking, as we need to reply to the sender (with the bcc email address includes) or forward to the Hubpsot forward address, which is not the best option. We already have two Hubspot ribbon items, one of which seems to have no purpose, so why not have a simple button that allows us to add an email to a contact & company record with the simple click of a ribbon button?

HubSpot Updates
September 27, 2023 06:33 AM

Hey HubSpot Community,


The ability to log emails to HubSpot custom objects from within Gmail and web-based Office 365 is now live to all. 


Now, customers with the Gmail or O365 Chrome extension can choose to log emails to their custom objects directly from within Gmail and web-based Office 365. Custom objects will now be listed below HubSpot's standard objects in the association picker inside of Gmail and O365.


Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 8.32.52 AM.png


Please note that this functionality is only available to Gmail users via the HubSpot Chrome extension or to Outlook users via the web-based O365 add-in. This is not supported for customers using HubSpot VSTO add-in for Outlook Desktop.


Thank you,




95 Replies

Hi HubSpot


Our company is new to HubSpot. We came from Pipedrive this summer.


Many things to say, but this functionality is almost as basic as it gets. I do see other in this thread are asking for a status. Please advice so we all know what we can expect for the next release!

HubSpot Employee

For some users, custom objects are more important than the default objects provided by HubSpot.

It would be helpful and time-saving to be able to log an email sent via the sales extension to a custom object (as is currently possible with default objects like contacts, companies, deals and tickets). 

This idea already exists for the Outlook Add-in, but ideally, it will become available for all the sales extensions.


HubSpot has (good feature) forward email to HubSpot




BUT why not have essentially the same functionality as a button to push within the HubSpot Sales app (for Outlook)?


e.g. "Store this email in HubSpot" could be a MUCH better UX. 


If contact known, the app would upload the email and associate.


If unknown, invite user to create a new Contact.





This is really major! We definitely need this to help Custom Objects as useful as core ones. 


Really needed on our side also!


Definitely Need this! It is almost now crucial to our workflow.




Yes, this is very important!


Hi @Flora - any news on this? I should've checked before signing up but I presumed this was such a standard thing! (2 other CRM's I've used have had this ability as standard). Thanks.


@Latchy  I love the dedication to comming back to this thread. You haven't posted about it in a while, did you give up at this point? 


The Outlook add-in works very well. However, we miss the function to be able to transfer incoming / outgoing mails to the crm afterwards (if the automatic capture is deactivated).

When I open an e-mail and click on the add-in, all the data for the contact / company is displayed. Here, a button would be great, with which I can subsequently transfer the mail to HubSpot.

Participant | Elite Partner

Not only to log an email but to also be able to create a custom object from the Gmail extension - you can add a deal or ticket but not a custom object which would be huge. 

Member | Platinum Partner

This would be a great addition to the HubSpot Sales Extension. Extremely useful!


Use Case: HubSpot Gmail extension logs out for various reasons (e.g., Chrome updates, new Chrome browser sign-in, laptop restart, switching between Gmail accounts or HubSpot accounts, etc.). I then log back into my Gmail account but forget to log back into the HubSpot Gmail extension. I am now actively sending emails, but HubSpot does not track these emails. Unless I receive a response to the email I have sent, there is no simple way of adding the email to a contact's activity log. The only hack available is to log a manual email to the contact activities. This is time-consuming and has limitations:


  1. Only the content of the email can be easily copied/pasted into the manual email log - the email date and time have to be entered manually.
  2. For emails with multiple contacts, the contact names need to be added to the log individually, which requires searching the "Contacted" input field by typing email addresses. This is especially cumbersome when the email gets delivered to multiple organizations.
  3. The email log can't be linked to the Gmail thread unless the contact responds.
  4. Even if the contact does respond,  the originally sent email content is not captured in the response, meaning the manual email log cannot be merged with the tracked thread. 


There is a community thread for the issue  "Log an email after it is sent"  that suggested the Manual Logging Section supplement BCC or FWD; however, the "accepted solution" does not address the issue (it only fixes FWD or BCC items). Can you add a third email address option to the Manual Logging Section to supplement BCC or FWD? This would allow us to add emails we have already sent to our contacts that weren't initially tracked. 


Please provide a timeline for when this feature is expected to become available. 




This isn't restricted to just those that use the Gmail extension - this is an issue for anyone who logs email in HubSpot and forgets to log before sending. +1

I note this was first raised in Mar 2021:


+1 (million)

HubSpot Employee

Much needed!

HubSpot Employee

Much needed feature


This is crucial to our work in Hubspot