I would like to see an enhancement that enable being able to capture inbound emails in HubSpot with an "Add Email" button, similar to what Salesforce already has in place for MS Outlook desktop and Office 360. The current Hubspot method to capture email contents is lacking, as we need to reply to the sender (with the bcc email address includes) or forward to the Hubpsot forward address, which is not the best option. We already have two Hubspot ribbon items, one of which seems to have no purpose, so why not have a simple button that allows us to add an email to a contact & company record with the simple click of a ribbon button?
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When you have an old email or a newly received one, the only way to get it into hubspot for the selected email ID is to forward it to the bcc address. Can I humbly suggest you add a button to either your tool bar or to the right hubspot gmail panel that just adds the email to the selected contact? It would be more precise and easier.
BTW-- I like what is there so far...it doesn't seem to bog down gmail and is fairly simple to understand and use compared to other stuff I have used (cirrus).
Any chance of adding the ability to forward an email to Hubspot from Gmail using the Chrome extension? A single click is much handier than having to look for the forwarding address every time!
I agree. We are just moving over from another CRM to HubSpot, and upon further research on this functionality, it seems as though all your major (and a good handful of non-major) competitors have this functionality. I am a bit confused to be honest where you give the option to save any sent email as a template, but you don't have a button like this to simply log a missed email?
When using the gmail for chrome plugin with tracking an logging swithc off allow you to go back in to sent items and save a previously sent email, not as a template, but as an activity to a contact in HubSpot. This can be done in salesfocres
We would like to do the same thing with Outlook. It would be great if there were the same checkbox option to "Log in CRM" with Sent messages as there is when creating new messages –– eliminating the cut&paste or reforwarding with the BCC address. This question/need comes up frequently among our users!
Currently, the only way to get an email that is received or previously sent into HubSpot is to forward it manually. This takes so much time.
When rolling over (with cursor) any email address within an email or in a header (to, from, cc, etc) it should update the HubSpot panel/extension to show that email record/Contact within the panel.
Once the Contact is showing in the panel/extension, it should then allow the current showing email to be added to that Contact/email address within HubSpot.
These small usability updates would make choosing which Contact to log an email to much more efficient, and save hours from having to manually forward into HubSpot.
See Cirrus Insight (for Salesforce) which does this sooooo well.
Pathetic that still nothing close to a decent decision. I'm paying for this and cannot easily record emails or get even basic bloody reports.... and I thought Salesforce was **bleep**...
We NEED a button in HubSpot add-in for Office365 that says "log this email" and allow us to pick the contact manually. Lack of this feature is HubSpots largest weakness - fixing this would solve SO many problems.
Now, if logging is turned on, we have no control where the e-mail goes if multiple recievers and it results in massive spam inside the CRM. If logging is off, BCC and forward is such a manual job and we still have no control of where the mail is saved. Would also give the opportunity to save e-mail correspondance with coworkers about a company/deal/ticket on the correct contact - not on my coworker, which happens if BCC/forward.
Lastly, the forwarding does not work if subject is not in english - which in our Norwegian company never is. This way Hubspot can not fulfill the purpose it was bought for.
Should not be hard to implement simple button saying "log this spesific email" and then picking the right contact.
I'm Flora, the Product Manager for HubSpot's Sales Extensions.
Thank you for all of the feedback- we are currently investigating the demand and feasibility of this idea. I will update this thread if we move forward with developing this feature.
I'm Flora, the Product Manager for HubSpot's Sales Extensions.
Thank you for all of the feedback- we are currently investigating the demand and feasibility of this idea. I will update this thread if we move forward with developing this feature.
So glad I'm paying for HubSpot - placing it "Under Review" 2 years after putting forward an "idea" most other CRM's have had in place for several years. Quite pathetic really.
When hubspot isn't properly connected to an inbox or you are sending an email from your phone and forget to include the hubspot BCC, there should be an easy way to log your email posthumously. Forwarding the sent email to the hubspot Forward email address does not work. I would suggest figuring out a way to make this forward fundtion work and/or creating a way to drag and drop the email sent right in to hubspot.
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