I am aware that we can add anchor links to CTAs as outlined here and that there is a solution of using the header ID and # in the inputted URL however for those that don't have code experience and do not want to use a CTA it would be great if we gave this option as we do here.
We are reviewing this idea internally. I'm curious from the folks that have expressed interest in this: are you mainly hoping to add anchors to your CTAs on HubSpot pages? Or would you also want to add anchors for CTAs that are embedded on non-HubSpot pages?
Hi there @katiep - I'm jumping on this thread because it's currently being reviewed and somewhat relevant.
We'd also like to add Anchors to Forms. Some templates just have a "select form here" field and no surrounding rich text module. You can add rich text to the form itself for titles or whatever, and I'd like to add an anchor to that so the user is taken straight to the top of the form. There's no user-friendly option to add an anchor in rich text modules in forms, and every time I try to sneak it in with code it tells me I've "provided unsafe HTML".
I've just started getting into Hubspot landing pages and it would fantastic if I could add an anchor link to a button without having to reload the page.
Has this feature been added yet? Looking to do the same now. Have a 'contact us' button on a landing page and the contact form at the top. Reloading isn't the solution we want - this may skew traffic figures and just isn't a good UX.
I'm also interested in this option. I have a CTA button lower on the page, and I simply want to push people back up to the form on the top of the page. Thanks.
It is already possible to add an anchor to a Button or CTA. Just put in #anchorlinkid to the External URL field and it works. However HubSpot adds the whole URL and refreshes the page when you click on it. This is not user friendly ofcourse. I guess adding a specific Anchor option to a Button or a CTA, and having an option for smooth scrolling would be awesome. We would love to use anchors but because of the bad user experience of its current implementation we aren't.
Just confirming we have been trying to do this as well - both on HS and non-HS pages with embed code. The way it reloads the page creates an UNfriendly UX and is not usable.
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