HubSpot Ideas


Add an on/off toggle for HubSpot calling availability

There is functionality for this with the inbox and live chats, so why isn't this available for call availability? It would be really useful to easily toggle my availability on/off with the click of a button, especially when I need to step away from my desk for short periods like 15 minutes.

2 Replies

This would be really helpful for our call handlers and I am surprised that it is not available.


This would be an absolutely huge addition. As it is now, there is no easy way to toggle availability. Particularly if you are using tickets for support reps or record assignments for sales reps - that often means adding and removing reps from assignment workflows for something as simple as a day off. And definitely extends to the inbox and live chats. 


Also wanted to mention that Insycle offers this exact thing for tickets and record assignments. Full disclosure, I work for them. But their Assign app allows for workload balancing over timeframes, setting availability hours with time zones, and a quick toggle for unexpected absences.