HubSpot Ideas


Add active Lists to Campaign

Please consider adding active lists to campaigns! This will help us evaluate the ongoing campaign performance rather than a point-in-time (such as with the use of the static lists).

28 Replies


Member | Partner

We could use active lists to see the overall effect of submissions for our webinar during spring and summer.

We cannot add static liste every week.




We are launching either Zoom or GoToWebinar here shortly. Running some testing right now for both and the inability to add an active list to a campaign is an issue. We can add the landing page as an asset so we can get "submissions" this way but the active lists we have built for Registrants, Attendees and No Shows cannot be added. Unless we create a workflow of course to add contacts from those active lists to static lists. Not hard to do, just seems super unnecessary, redundant and clutters up HubSpot with unneccesary lists and workflows when simply adding an active list would do justice.


Alternatively we could create Static lists after the fact and then add to the campaign, but it would be nice to see Registrants filter in as the campaign goes on.


Yes I totally agree.  Many of the metrics aren't static such as more people requesting information and so that number can continually climb as opposed to being set at a specific point and time!

Top Contributor | Partner

Excellent idea, just wanted to add it to the forum myself.


I want this for ALL campaigns, not just Hubspot campaigns but any campaign being tracked in Hubspot with a UTM code that you can find in the Traffic Analytics reports.


Agree ! I need this feature as well to check on number of participants to my Livestorm webinar. 


HubSpot Moderator

On behalf of a customer, they are wanting to be able to add active form submission lists as campaign assets. This would save time, reduce room for error, etc.

Participant | Diamond Partner

Hey! Agreed, this would be an ideal functionality for our marketing & BDMs to be able to track active sign ups to events via the campaign dashboard, as well as post-event  🙏


Yes please! this would definately make our lives so much more easy!


Totally agree with this. And it just helps manage everything in one place. A lot of times we're planning in advance so if the active list isn't connected, it might get lost in the shuffle. To add this to campaigns instead of just static would be amazing.


This is a TREMENDOUS idea as our company only uses "active lists" at this time for our sequences. 

HubSpot Product Team

Hi everyone,


My name is Jenny Mueller and I am the Product Manager of Campaigns at HubSpot. 
So that we can find the best solution for you, we are interested to understand more about your request and would appreciate your help by filling out this quick mini survey

Thanks for your feedback.





I do not understand how this is not possible and is a significant oversight by HubSpot. Why shouldn't we be able to add an Active List in a Campaign to see performance, attribution, etc.? And...we're more than 2 years on from the original post!


Any update on this, HubSpot? This would be amazing since we have multiple lists for campaigns and could provide easy access using the campaign tag instead of the difficult folder structure. 


is there any movement on this?

HubSpot Product Team

Hi everyone,

Thanks for everyone who filled in the mini-survey within the last few weeks.
As we are getting closer to the implementation of helpful lists improvement features (inside and outside of Campaigns), we would like to understand more about your way of using lists.


We're looking for feedback from users like you who can help us understand:

  • How you are currently using (static) lists within Campaigns 
  • How associating active lists with a Campaign would be beneficial 
  • How you are using or planning to use lists to determine your Campaign performance
  • What metrics you are interested in when reviewing your lists performance (inside and outside of Campaigns)
  • What performance metrics matter most when evaluating the performance of a segment over a period of time
  • And much more.

If you have feedback to share and are interested in an interview, we would love to speak to you. We are currently offering availability in 2 weeks in April: 

  • Date: April 13-28
  • Length: 45 minutes
  • Location: Remote, via Zoom


Here is a link to my calendar. 
The interview will be led by a wider Product team, including myself. 

If you are interested, please find a date and time that works for you - once you confirm your information, we’re all set. 

Please note that by participating in this research study, you acknowledge and agree to HubSpot's User Research Participation Agreement


I am looking forward to your reply! 

Any other questions/ comments/ feedback, feel free to reach out anytime (preferrably via direct message). 



Jenny Mueller


@JennyMueller Is there any update on the timeline for this? Would dramatically simplify our offline lead gen attribution workflow given the limitation of 5 static lists per campaign.


We could definitely use this!


We have an "events attended" field where we can track what contacts we met / attended at different events and want to make sure that those contacts are associated to that event's campaign in Hubspot (and then resulting deals / $ from those contacts). It's easy when we get an attendee list, upload it and have can update that property to append the new event on those contacts & add that static list to the campaign, but it doesn't look like there's a way to create an active list where events attended = X and associate that. It seems like having the ability to have active lists added as assets to campaigns is the best way to do this (unless I'm missing something).

HubSpot Product Team

Hi everyone, 


Whilst this announcement is not directly linked to the association with 'active lists', we have made exciting improvements to the way 'static lists' can be added to campaigns:


  1. We have removed the 'static list' limit of 5. You can now add more than 5 'static lists' to your campaigns.
  2. All associated 'static lists' will now also appear in the 'Assets' tab on the Campaigns details page.
  3. You can now filter your campaigns by 'number of lists'. Please note that this numeric filter is available for all other asset types too.

[Coming soon]: You will be able to add a static list to your respective campaigns directly from within the Lists tool. 

We are still looking into the association with 'active lists' and I will provide an update once we have started the work. 


With best regards,

Jenny Mueller