Please consider adding active lists to campaigns! This will help us evaluate the ongoing campaign performance rather than a point-in-time (such as with the use of the static lists).
100% - we use this for webinars to easily create our No Show and Attended list based on the Static Registered List. It would be great if these were a part of the campaign so they are also duplicated for each new webinar.
Does it look like 'active lists as an asset in campaigns' will be on the Hubspot roadmap at some stage? Really keen to get this up and running in our instance?
No tiene sentido que solo podamos poner como recurso las listas estáticas, no tiene sentido para un proceso inbound!!! es urgente que agreguen Listas Activas como un recurso de campaña para poder centralizar la data y hacer analisis de la eficiencia de una campaña!!!
It's been almost 4 years... and this feature request is still in review/pending, and Hubspot is still asking the users how we use this? Are you guys even using your own product?
Definately something that would be incredibly useful!
I have several campaigns linked to marketing events, and I have to manually download my active and static lists and upload to the marketing events. I would be grat to just assosiate my active lists to the marketing event so it automatically pulls my registered and attended contacts.