Please allow us to change the default way a report is sorted. For example, on a report about marketing email opens, I would like to be able to sort the data by 'Last marketing email open date' rather than the contact's 'Create date' on every page load - not just when I click to sort the data by that column. Thank you!
I have a dashboard showing multiple summary reports (Big Number). In each report, I show a count of lead by rep, and I am trying to line up the report so that it's easier to read, i.e. the same reps are displayed left to right, or top to bottom. Unfortunately there is no ability to order alphabetically by crosstab field value.
Love this idea! Doesn't seem like too big of an ask and would have a HUGE impact on HubSpot's reporting capabilities. With this, we can make them far easier to digest and understand.
We would like to have a list of target companies. When was last activity under what owner, what´s the deal stage. The big flaw is that we cannot sort this list and woudl have to go through page after page each day.
An addition to this:
When converting a contact list to a report, it is possible to sort each of the columns. So not clear why for the company lists we don´t get the same logic?
My reports are now much worse than they were pre- new report function because the default column sorting is the small to large on the "Amount in Company Currency" field. I want to see the big deals first not the small ones.
I agree. Now that all cross object reporting has been migrated to custom reporting, when using a horizontal bar char, I can no longer see the option to sort based on a count so the data with the highest amount of something is at the top instead of sorted randomly.