Add a "has attachment" filter for deals and companies for easier reporting/viewing
A few customers have requested a view in company and deal reports/filters of "has attachment" as a filter so they can look at records with attachments based on their process. In Activity Properties for engagements in Contact Lists, we can sort by Attachment File ID is known but we are unable to pull that information for Deal and Company reports and filters adding some difficulty to process for those that need to easily pull that data.
This is an excellent idea @nicolerohrer. We also have Stages in Deals where a document is sent to the customer, so it would be helpful to be able to filter on that too, in order to prioritise follow-ups with customers.
I understand that the filter is not available because attachment is not a "property". However, there will be cases where filtering by attachment would be very handy (e.g. looking for contacts or deals with certain files associated with them).
It would be great to include this as a property so we can filter a deals report for items that have an attachment. Our sales team is incentified to add certain items to a deal, and in order to verify I am having to drill down into hundreds of individual deals.
Yes, this is a really important feature for us and our clients - a need to report on attachments in deals. Even more importantly is to create automations or conditional logic that determines if an attachment exists when Deal Stage = Closed Won. We always need to ensure that a contract is signed and attached to a deal prior to the deal being closed. It's an important legal issue for us.
I think this is really important. We have historically used HubSpot for files which we now want to remove due to sensitivity of the data and new ways of working but without going in to every HubSpot record there is no way of downloading or bulk deleting the files.
Hubspot please include this feature. It would be even better if we could filter it by "Attachment name contains = XYZ" to view specific types of documents with standard naming conventions.