HubSpot Ideas


Add a comment to a note/email

It would be great to be able to add a comment to a note or an email that has been entered earlier. To create a note and comment chain.


I currently use HighRise CRM and one feature I use every day is adding comments to notes or emails in a company ou contact timeline. That way I have all the info about one subject in a "discussion" or in a series of notes instead of having to jump from one note to another with tasks and calls in between.




Luc Noël

44 Replies

It would be definietly helpful to add comments (or associate tasks) to Emails. The advantage is really to give other collegaues additional internal information or even the chance to have a look at a certain Email. Please work on that feature.


I also started an idea to associate tasks to Emails or other activities. The advantage is fantastic. It is much easier and faster to add a task to an existing Activity (Email, Note, etc.) and keep it short. Often the activiy contains information that it is clear and it only needs an associated task (and less words) to make the assigneds person to knwo what to do. When the task is not assigned to the activity you often have to search for the corresponsing information the task was resulting from or you have to also put lots of information to the task).


It's June 2023, and I'm finding myself really wanting to be able to add comments to an email thread.  It looks like this discussion has been around a while.  Hubspot, it would be good to get this implemented as it seems needed and well overdue.


This idea is flagged as "Delivered" but it doesn't appear to be an available feature yet within a Ticket. I would like to be able to add comments to emails that are sent within a ticket to help with staff training. This would allow for comments to be made in context of the message that was sent or received.



commenting an Email is not delivered!