We need to be able to track changes to HubSpot Forms, and to be able to see the published date of any form version. Not only is this much needed functionality in general, but it is also a GDPR necessity if you capture opt ins in forms at all.
The Hubspot roadmap for consent includes the ability to track what you told them at the time. This is insufficient, GDPR requires you to be able to demonstrate consent, including the version of the form they saw when they opted in. Not just the text, the actual form, they are explicit on this.
https://ico.org.uk/media/about-the-ico/consultations/2013551/draft-gdpr-consent-guidance-for-consult... Page 34 How they consented: for written consent, a copy of the relevant document or data capture form. If consent was given online, your records should include the data submitted as well as a timestamp to link it to the relevant version of the data capture form. If consent was given orally, you should keep a note of this made at the time of the conversation - it doesn’t need to be a full record of the conversation.
Revision history already exists for landing pages and emails, why are forms missing this?
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Has anyone developped a work-around for this? e.g. own process of saving old version of forms in documents or on a Wiki - any information management tips welcome, thanks!
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