HubSpot Ideas


Add Revision History for Forms - GDPR Requirement

We need to be able to track changes to HubSpot Forms, and to be able to see the published date of any form version. Not only is this much needed functionality in general, but it is also a GDPR necessity if you capture opt ins in forms at all.

The Hubspot roadmap for consent includes the ability to track what you told them at the time. This is insufficient, GDPR requires you to be able to demonstrate consent, including the version of the form they saw when they opted in. Not just the text, the actual form, they are explicit on this.
Page 34
How they consented: for written consent, a copy of the relevant
document or data capture form. If consent was given online, your
records should include the data submitted as well as a timestamp to
link it to the relevant version of the data capture form. If consent
was given orally, you should keep a note of this made at the time of
the conversation - it doesn’t need to be a full record of the


Revision history already exists for landing pages and emails, why are forms missing this?

44 Comentarios

I couldn't agree more. In an effort to hold teams and individuals accountable, it would be helpful to see who made changes to a form and when.


Another customer even suggested receiving notifications when someone makes a change. As the admin of my company's HubSpot account, this would be SUPER helpful to have. View Form Change History; Receive Form Change Alerts

It looks like other HubSpot customers are asking for this feature, as evident by the multiple posts submitted. Here's a sampling: 


Yes this is a great idea!

HubSpot Employee

Agreed, this would allow for more transparency and build continuity among other content tools that provide a historic view of revisions. This would be helpful for troubleshooting cause and effect as forms can influence and trigger things like lists and workflows.  


We'd like an audit trail for forms as well. For example, I believe someone removed specific fields from a form, but I'm not able to see who did so, or when. 

Participante | Partner nivel Platinum

Absolutely agree on this one. We have some "mysterious" options that were added to a dropdown that caused them to not process properly through workflows. I'd love to see who added them specifically. My team says we didn't, but there are a lot of people on the client side that have access - so knowing exactly WHO changed them would be handy. And when.

Estado actualizado a: Not Currently Planned
Exmiembro de HubSpot

Hi HubSpot Community,


My name is Joe, I'm the Ideas Forum Manager. I've been in contact with the HubSpot product team about this Idea, and I wanted to provide a quick update.


We appreciate all the feedback you’ve shared here to help our team evaluate this feature request. However, at this time, this functionality is not something our team is planning to build into HubSpot. This is certainly subject to change in the future, so feel free to leave feedback if you'd like. We'll update this thread if our plans change.

Ideas Forum Manager


Strongly agree with this. Any small edit has a huge impact on our data flow. To not have a revision history makes it very difficult to collaborate internally or utilize HubSpot Consultants.

Exmiembro de HubSpot

HubSpot support rep here! I think it would be super valuable to have at least the form revision history, similar to how you can view previous edits on a landing/website page. That way customers can see what a form used to look like/who may have edited the form 🙂

Miembro | Partner

Just came accross a case today where form history fuctionality was needed (what was changed and when).

Miembro | Partner nivel Platinum

Revision history on forms is a must-have! Thanks!


This would be super helpful!


This would be needed for us too. Need to be able to audit changes to forms


Chiming in as new consultant for a large corp.

As the Hubspot SME I'm being tasked with problems they couldn't resolve and this is one of them. 

TRACKING changes is a must have, not a nice to have.   

Ask INTUIT, they have a tracking log for accounting that works well and isn't rocket science. 

Why does evry other pop up in Hubspot ask for our opinion if you're not going to use it?  


Yes we would love this feature also. 


I agree with this, makes no sense to not be able to see who last amended a form and when. You can't even see who created the form...


We'd really love this feature also, we need to be able to track changes by individual.


Yes please! very usefull feature


HubSpot Employee

Meu cliente gostaria de visualizar quem fez alteracoes no formulário do HubSpot. Seria muito util ver essa funcionalidade implementada. 


please add this feature!! This is a must 


please add this feature!! This is a must