HubSpot Ideas


Add/Remove Companies to/from Company Static Lists

Currently once a Company static list is created, it can't be manually amended. This differs from Contact static lists where you can add or remove a Contact to/from a static list via the Contacts table view (more options) or in the Contact record itself via List Management.


This is incredibly useful for creating custom static lists that are not based on specific criteria, and means we don't need to create random tags for contact records.


Please add this feature for Companies as well.

23 Replies

Love the idea, struggling with the same issue.


Hi Annemarien,

If you create a static company list, name it and save it, 0 companies in list.

Then in Companies, all companies, search your company to add.

Tick the box in front of it, now you see options coming.

Click add to list

You can select the static company list jou just created.


A new problem:

I can't find a way to delete a company. I made a mistake and added a company to the static list. Now I want to remove it.

No idea how to do that as option Delete is not available.

Did you find something?





Thanks Bareld! Not sure how I missed the "Add to list" option in the company list, unless that's been very recently added (which would be good news as would mean work being done in this area!).


Yes, until we are able to remove companies as well that's only half the feature, but good that it's hopefully on the way to being complete.


Kind regards

Anne Marie


It's REALLY incredible that Hubspot has the option to REMOVE Contacts from a List but not Companies. How is that possible?

This is needed ASAP.


I think you mean "hasn't" instead of "has" right?


@hubspot what is actully the process how these items make it into the next release?



HubSpot Alumni

Hi @Bareld!


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A very new user - I'm really surprised that I can't do this.  Feels pretty essential ... or am I missing some other functionality that allows you to add and remove companies from a static list in the same way as companies?


I have just come accross this after searching for info on creating a list based around companies. Our company list membership needs to be modified over time by different team members so we need to be able to add and remove companies from the list.


This feature seems to be available for contact based lists, so would be good for company based lists too?


Without the ability to edit a company based list once it has been created, it significantly reduces the usefulness of the list.


Is anyone aware of a workaround for this? I've seen views mentioned, but this seems to be a bit of a compromise.

Ideally I want to be able to use the created company list for exporting and report generation.




a) When you open a static list of Companies you can select one or more and then at the top remove from list appears.

So deleting works for me.

b) When you open all companies  i.e. select Contact, then Companies and in front of a company select it, also at the top Add to static list appears.

So adding and deleting Companies from a static companies list work for me.




@Bareld - many thanks for replying to this with the info on adding and deleting companies from static lists - can't believe I missed those options first time round!


Might be useful for the community admins to update/mark this idea thread as resolved or implemented, so anyone else coming here via an internet search is aware that the feature is now implemented.




@Bareld thanks a lot for your comment - having the exact same issue. However I really can't find the option you're describing for removing adding/removing companies from a company-based static list. Could I ask you (or someone else) to post a screenshot please? I just don't find the option to add/remove companies to the list.


Thanks a lot in advance!



Hi Thorsten,

Remember this only works for static company lists.

Remove: open static company list, tick the company you want to delete, select option remove from list:



Go to Companies.

Tick Company you want to add to static list, select option add to static list, then select which list (which you create before).



Hope this helps?




Great, that helps a lot! Thank you!


It should be an easy transition to move a company from one list to another.


I have just come across the issue of Company lists - surely the best option is to mirror the List Management part from the Contact profile to the Company profile, so lists are easy to view and manage. 


This, below, is a workaround but it's more time consuming.... 



Hi Annemarien,

If you create a static company list, name it and save it, 0 companies in list.

Then in Companies, all companies, search your company to add.

Tick the box in front of it, now you see options coming.

Click add to list

You can select the static company list jou just created.


A new problem:

I can't find a way to delete a company. I made a mistake and added a company to the static list. Now I want to remove it.

No idea how to do that as option Delete is not available.

Did you find something?




Yes you can now remove a company via the Static Company List itself. Select the company in the list and you will have a remove option.


I agree that mirroring all the same list management UI that Contacts have would make the best sense for Companies.


I would love to see the ability to manage company lists similarly to contact lists.


One example of how we would like to use this is to easily add and remove to our list of channel partners without needing to set up custom fields that need to be filled out.


This seems like a very basic feature that we didn't realize we needed until we needed it. 


The contact lists allow amending, it seems silly the company ones don't. 


Would really love to see this feature updated. 


I am both able to add companies to a static list and delete from that same static list.


When you're on the static list page, you can check the box of the company (or companies) you'd like to remove and it'll give you the option above the list. (Bareld's comment above shows you how.)


Unfortunately, you can only add a company to a static list if you are in the Companies view...which requires searching for the specific company you'd like to add to the list.


Personally, I would like to be able to add a company (or a contact) to the static list from their profile page. I am almost certain that this used to be an option and now I can't seem to find it. It used to be here:


Hubspot 1.PNG


I am already on their page thinking, "this is not a good fit for our sales team", but I now have to go to Companies, search their domain, check the box next to their name, and "add to static list". Again, I am almost certain they used to have this functionality from the company profile page...