Add Multiple Names / Owners To A Single Owner Property
Working with a customer at the moment who wants the ability to add "followers" to a ticket / deal record (users who need to be CCd in addition to the primary deal owner). They're migrating from Zendesk, where they have a single 'Followers' ticket property against which they can add multiple names.
I know HubSpot added the ability to have multiple owner properties attached to a record as of a couple of years back, however one of the limitations of this feature is that you need as many custom properties as you wish to have owners. You end up creating more properties than you should need to "just in case".
It would be super handy if the owner property simply allowed you to assign multiple names within the one property, rather than needing to have a custom property for each individual name. This would be perfect for scenarios like the one described above (a CC / followers property), along with situations like when two / three members of a team are collaborating on a deal / ticket.