HubSpot Ideas


Add Instagram to Hubspot Blog Author Bio & highlight font size

We would love to see Instagram get added to the author bio section in the blogs for Hubspot.  Additionally, it would be great if it would tell us what text size we are using if we hightlight a certain area.  It can make formatting difficult when you have to just guess.   



4 Commentaires
Non applicable

I agree - need to remove google+ and add instagram, but also feel like there should be some additional features related to website - like maybe we want to customize the link text for the website instead of having an icon.


Make author bio an html text editor so you can add backlinks...


It would be great if we had more options for author bio social profiles to follow, esp. Instagram.

Membre | Partenaire solutions

Hello HubSpot Community,


We had a similar requirement to show Instagram for Blog Author, and we found an alternate approach by creating a HubDB record and based on the author.slug fetching the Instagram URL from the HubDB and displaying it on front-end.


Reference URL:


We would also love to use this. We are getting around it currently by using the LinkedIn field and subbing in an IG icon instead of the LinkedIn icon. But it would be great to have this built in naturally. It's a much more common platform for our blog contributors to be on than LinkedIn these days.