HubSpot Ideas


Add CC and BCC capabilities to emails from HubSpot

We have a need for the option to add CC and BCC to emails that are sent from HubSpot. We have two important use cases for this.

Use case 1:
We have a registration form set up on our website. When someone registers, they receive an automated email from us through HubSpot saying "Thank you for registering!". Since we have a lot of different people signing up, it's very important for us to follow up on that email.

If we could add CC to me on the email that is sent out, I could pick up the conversation with the person registering very quickly. I could simply press "Reply" on the email and continue the conversation with the lead.

If I want to do this now with today's HubSpot solution, I'd have to copy/paste the lead's email address from the internal registration confirmation email, write a subject line that wouldn't confuse the lead, and then write the message to the lead. This delays the response time dramatically, and takes up substantially more resources.

Use case 2:
If we could add BCC to emails as well, it would give people two great advantages;
(1) HubSpot emails could easily be integrated with almost ANY CRM (ex. Email to CRM option), and
(2) it would add the contents of the email to the CRM (more than just "Sent Subject Line").

If anything is unclear, I would loooove to explain in more detail.

Status aktualisiert zu: Not Currently Planned
April 12, 2021 06:25 AM

Hi folks- 

Just dropping back in to say thank you for all the comments & thoughts here. For transparency, this is still not yet on the roadmap. We are evaluating it as something to add in the back half of this year, but nothing is yet planned. 


Please keep upvoting this, and dropping your use cases for it. We are following it and listening. 




Status aktualisiert zu: Not Currently Planned
May 25, 2020 06:13 PM

Thanks for your comments on the idea. This isn't planned for development in the next quarter. For transparency and clarity, I'm updating this issue to 'Not currently planned' for the time being. We are evaluating this feature, but it requires substantial changes in how a number of our backend systems work. Specifically how our event (open & click) tracking works today. 


If you are willing to jump on a call to talk more about this functionality, and your specific use cases send me a direct message.  I would love to understand and learn more from you. Please feel free to upvote and continue to leave feedback on this thread.

March 25, 2019 08:35 AM

Hi all, wanted to chime in here to let you know that we're definitely paying attention to this idea post, it's gathered a lot of votes, rightly so. At the moment we don't have a clear answer on when this might be available, I wanted to make sure and be transparent here to let you know. Your feedback and unique ideas/use-cases are really important so please do keep sharing, and as we have a clearer plan here I'll be sure and keep everyone posted. Thanks!

267 Kommentare

I would really like to have a cc: field for marketing automation (workflow) emails.  Then when an email goes to a client, a copy will go to a department head and that will trigger appropriate action internally.  We have people who don't work in HS that should know when certain emails are sent to their clients.  A cc: field would be very helpful.




This is ideally a basic functionality that should be available. It's quite disapointing that it isn't there. The ability to CC or BCC on mktg emails is available in most other enterprise applications.


I really hope this can be provided.



Totally agree it's a basic functionality, we will be very happy to see here. 


Absolutely. This would be extremely helpful.


This is integral for us as well.


Yes, we also want to have this feature.
Send workflow emails with CC and BCC would be great.


I'm amazed this hasn't been done yet. It seems like basic functionality.


I would like to add cc field to internal emails triggered by workflows. This will help me in keeping the department heads in the loop without unnecessary forwarding of emails. 


It would be invaluable to set up an automatic  CC inclusion of the HubSpot owner to clients from the HubSpot CRM.


We also really need the capability to cc on our marketing emails - any updates on when it will be pushed out?


We would like to see this added, as well.


Totally agree, this would be incredibly helpful to be able to have this as a feature. 


We really need this, too.


We send automatic account notifications to customers, and we want the ability to cc their account manager so they can follow up immediately.


Any movement?


Adding CC and BCC would capabilities to marketing emails would be extremlely beneficial in keeping track of leads that respond to emails directly.


This would be hugely helpful. Our team has to cc mobility managers handling their employee travel information. 


Hubspot any update?? 


Get this done, Hubspot!  Very critical and easy to implement. 


I would agree...we use forms for registration to events and like to bcc our admin. Need this function.


We have setup a workflow so that sales reps get email belonging to their region once a new lead is assigned, we need the region mangers to be cc'd on those emails so they are aware of the emails and communication being sent. Even if it's not in the cc field just 2 email address to be sent in the same email woudl be extremly helpful.




Would really appreciate the inclusion of this basic functionality for email. 


Commenting on behalf of a user:


Use case-
When sending the marketing emails, we often would like to add the agent email address as CC in order to share the customer's information and provide a seamless service to customers. It would be a great benefit if the CC feature become available.