It would be helpful for customers who are out of the office and don't have access to a laptop or computer to be able to work on tickets via mobile device and mobile app
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First, I’d like to apologize for the confusion surrounding my last status change. There was a miscommunication on our end, and I’d like to clear it up.
Currently, our team is working on a beta for bringing Tickets to Android. We encourage anyone interested in this feature to fill out this survey: We don’t have a timeline yet for bringing tickets to iOS, but we’ll update you here when that changes.
However, I would like to clarify that at this time, we are not building a mobile version of Service Hub. I’m switching this status back to “In Planning” to reflect the hard work our team is putting into bringing tickets for Android.
Few points to note: 1. Mobile access and tickets are not a bonus, over 80% of communications are done on mobile. 2. Changing direction is legitimate and coming forward is hard. To me it is seems disconnected from reality 3. Dragging it for so long might be a reflection on HS decision making and commitment. 4. Definitely will play a role on renewal and or moving ticketing to external system. 5. collect the highlight form the users here and bring it back to the decision makers to re-evaluate
Hmmmm.... a group says they will leave the business and now it's back on roadmap?
Sounds like there is a lot of confusion at Hunspot about what's going on with this.
I'll update this to "I'll believe it when I see it" status. Quite frankly, the app isn't even that important. A remotely functional responsive website for tickets would work just fine for most people.
I think (not intending to speak for everyone) people in many service businesses have people out in the field. If there is a problem, service request, or the like for someone on the road or outside an office it's essential to have the ability to take action. Again, simply having service tickets web accessible would be a bandaid.
I have a 12.9" iPad and even on that, the HubSpot Service hub website is virtually unusable in Safari or Chrome on mobile.
We really thought this would be automatically included in the mobile app also when we signed up as we are a service based business lol. We were inquiring about an annual quote from our rep but will stick with monthly until we find out more about this. We also use IOS devices not Android so no sure when this will be implemented. It's a shame because we demo'd quite a few different platforms and settled on HubSpot as it seemed to tick all the spots we needed. If we would have realized there was no mobile service option we probably would have gone a different route. Hopefully it gets done eventually. We don't mind waiting a bit if it's a sure thing. For now we've been running service related items as deals so we can view them which works as a temporary patch but clutters up the whole platform. Guess we'll keep our fingers crossed 😛
@advancedAS We just started using ClickUp for task management. You adapted for support tickets? Would you mind sharing your approach with me? Did you use Zapier or Integromat?
@bsm007Yes we have started using it for tickets, and it has worked better than hubspot for us so far (about 300 customers, running approx. 30- 45 tickets on any particular day) - Now obviously it doesn't have the same CRM Features as Hubspot, BUT because it's so flexible and powerful, it almost doesn't have to. - If you want a really detailed setup guide I can help further, but in a nutshell, here's how we're pulling it off:
Create a new list, this list will be names of your customers, customer details can be added with the custom fields.
Create another list, for your tickets area. in this list you can setup your custom fields you need for your tickets and we use comments, we don't really use "description" area, because comments add date/times so we know exactly when updates happen. - There are tons of tips and things I can type here but it'll be easier to show someone via screencast, etc.
But anyway, now that your lists are set up, when you create a new "Ticket", just link the customer from list 1, into that ticket. using their "@@" shortcut. This way now, all the tickets you create, complete, etc. for a customer is forever visible on their "profile"
One way we use integromat is for updating the customer list. For instance, when a new customer signs up online, it adds them automatically. We can also upload via xcel sheet, etc. - If you have a form (built into our website) using a service, or some other manner of customer input for your support, you can probably find a zap for it.. Lot's of great things.
@bsm007Please do so, they support Phone # fields, email fields, date fields, Actual # fields, etc.
- I just discovered more features today, and i've been using it almost a year now.. They provide updates every week or two. - last week they added support for syncing up with a online booking service (calendly) directly, which lets customers make appointments and pay online. It's pretty amazing what they're pulling off imo. -
@JoeMayall can you please further understand the difference between when you say "a beta for bringing Tickets to Android" and "a mobile version of Service Hub". What would the beta of Tickets in Android actually consist of? Just some sort of view only access to open tickets, but not functionality to modify them? Please explain the difference.
Is there a final verdict on this? Are tickets going to be visible in the Hubspot mobile app or no?
We have at least 200 tickets a day and without a mobile app to be able to handle some of these whilst on the go is going to be painful and I'm halfway through moving off Zendesk to Hubspot Service Management when I realised I couldn't see tickets in the mobile app.
As a partner, it's going to be a tough sell trying to tell a client to come on board and use Service Management without this basic functionality.
When I recently signed my company up to HubSpot after being demo'd the Service Hub and being told that the iPhone app ability to log tickets was "about 4 weeks away" after Android stability testing, to then being told it is scheduled for Q1 2021 to now being told it is not happening at all is bordering on false advertising. This is a very strong reason for me to want to cancel my 2-year subscription and demand a refund.
We were told this was part of the mobile app and that was one of the biggest reasons we moved to HubSpot for our CRM and ticketing. VERY disappointed it is not yet. This is essential especially in todays environement with people working more from home and for me with kids **bleep** up school schedule I spend more time working out of my car every day!!
fbssupport - we were told the same false claim a year ago when we were considering signing up. Fortunately, we refused to sign onto a paid plan until the funcionality was live. It creates a huge level of distrust now with the company. I'd bet money if your a "new" customer inquiring about this - the sales staff would say it's "coming soon" to get the contract signed.
We are, as some others mentioned, checking out Zoho. They have mobile ticketing, not quite as clean an interface but a solid app for creating, managing, and closing service tickets. Not sure why building this out would be such a significant project for Hubspot - even a responsive design of the page would help tremendously. Seems like something a single programmer could bang out in a few weeks at most.
I'd like to clarify what I meant when I said "Currently, our team is working on a beta for bringing Tickets to Android". That was a reference to the feature our team is currently building, so it isn't available yet.
All developments about tickets for Android will be relayed on this thread, so stay tuned!
@ArturS I received access to the beta for Android. I filled out the survey link above, and on 8/20 received instructions for downloading the beta version. In the beta version, when you click the Contacts tab, there is a ticket option. I don't know if this is still available, but it was available in August. I know how beta testing can go, so they may have paused its release based on Joe's comment . . . but at least there is hope in sight! 🙂
Specific Use Case: Real Estate companies with light facilities management needs. Being able to snap a photo on-premise, create a ticket, and attach a photo to a ticket.
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