HubSpot Ideas


Ability to use fractional values for Product quantities

Today its only possible to enter whole numbers in quantity in quotes. this is very limiting.


For example when you sell 1,5 hours. Or you sell 1,5 square feet of something. or 1,5 pounds...


You get the point. extremely important that this is corrected.

ステータスに更新: Delivered
May 18, 2022 02:20 PM

Hey team - Ethan here, PM of the HubSpot Product Library. I'm happy to report that we are currently rolling this feature automatically. There is no beta for it, but we should have it fully rolled out across HubSpot by next Monday (May 23rd). By next Monday, all portals will be able to add up to 7 numbers behind the decimal point on their quantities. So, for example, you can offer 1.25 hours of consulting, or 2.25678 pounds of concrete, up to 7 decimal places.


I'd recommend hopping into your portal and seeing if you have the feature and trying it out. If you experience any bugs in how the feature works, or calculations (e.g. net price, MRR calculations, etc.) please open a support ticket and let us know. If you don't see the feature in your portal, just give it until Monday for the feature to fully propegate throughout the system. By EOD Monday, it will be out to 100% of users. 


Drop a note here if you have any questions.

NOTE: We do not yet offer higher decimal precision for "Price", but we're working actively on it. We need to resolve an issue with precision in multiple currencies before we can ship, but the feature is top of mind for us.

April 06, 2022 08:28 AM

Hey folks - Ethan here, product manager for the Product Library. I just wanted to provide an update. We're still hard at work on this and just waiting to resolve some internal dependencies so we can get this feature rolled out. I can't say for sure when it will go out, but I would expect some time in the first half of this quarter (Q2, 2022). The previous update still holds. We will be offering higher decimal precision in a number of fields (e.g. Quantity, Price) on Line Items associated with Quotes and Deals and we likely won't run a beta for this feature since it is relatively "low risk". I'll update this idea once it has been delivered. 


As a sidenote, I'll be updating the top Ideas associated with Products and Line Items ~once per quarter going forward. I will include (1) whether or not a feature is on the roadmap for that quarter or not and (2) what our rollout plan for that feature is (e.g. will there be a beta or not). If you have feedback about additional information I could include in these updates, drop a note here. If I see a theme, I'll adjust my updates to address that.


I won't be doing this for every idea, but most ideas above 25 kudos will get that treatment. Looking forward to getting this feature into your hands!

ステータスに更新: Being Reviewed
January 20, 2022 10:25 AM

Hey team - I just wanted to give you an update that this work will be completed with this other idea found here:

I'll paste the other update below: 


Hey folks - my name is Ethan and I'm the product manager for the Products and Line Items team. I just wanted to let you know that this is on our roadmap for this quarter and, while I can't give you an exact timeline for release, I would expect that sometime next quarter you will be able to add both fractional quantities in our "Quantity" field and you will have a higher decimal precision (ideally up to 4+ decimal places) in our "Price" field. 


This particular feature probably won't have a wide beta. We'll test it it with a dozen or so teams, then we'll just roll it out to everyone on a percentage basis. I'll update this thread when we begin the percentage rollout. 


As a sidenote, I'll be updating the top Ideas associated with Products and Line Items ~once per quarter going forward. I will include (1) whether or not a feature is on the roadmap for that quarter or not and (2) what our rollout plan for that feature is (e.g. will there be a beta or not). If you have feedback about additional information I could include in these updates, drop a note here. If I see a theme, I'll adjust my updates to address that.


I won't be doing this for every idea, but most ideas above 25 kudos will get that treatment. Looking forward to getting this feature into your hands!

September 09, 2021 10:10 AM

Hey folks - Ethan Kopit here, the product manager of HubSpot Quotes. I wanted to drop in to give you some updates. We're continuing to make progress on this feature and we will most certainly build it, though I cannot provide an exact ETA yet. Our team has been focused primairly on making quote templates customizable, which is why it might seem like some ideas don't get moved on for some time.


Just so you know, we read every post on the community, and every comment (we actually get an email notification every time someone comments). I appreciate the enthusiasm and I'm excited to keep making progress here.

ステータスに更新: In Planning
December 03, 2020 08:55 AM


Really need the implementation of this idea ASAP. I will really appreciate it if the HubSpot team proceed with this idea soon, thank you!


This is a key  requirement for us.  I cannot understand why it was never implemented in the first place.    Somehow, and perhaps more importantly, what on earth is the point of this forum and the ability to UPVOTE feature requests if Hubspot themselves do not monitor it?


So - is there a more immediate way to get this on their agenda?  After well over a year of requests, I'm not sure the addtion of one more will make a lot of difference!


Hey folks - Ethan Kopit here, the product manager of HubSpot Quotes. I wanted to drop in to give you some updates. We're continuing to make progress on this feature and we will most certainly build it, though I cannot provide an exact ETA yet. Our team has been focused primairly on making quote templates customizable, which is why it might seem like some ideas don't get moved on for some time.


Just so you know, we read every post on the community, and every comment (we actually get an email notification every time someone comments). I appreciate the enthusiasm and I'm excited to keep making progress here.


Urgently needed ! Thank you!


How is this still not available. Change the data type already.. Decimal, not integer.


Ethan Kopit - thank you for the update on this feature.  I think I can speak for all of us so far that have commented - why is this taking so long?  I believe HubSpot's  customer base has been very patient and I really don't understand how this feature has not been implemented yet.  I am not a programmer, so I really don't understand why it has taken so long.  Is it so intensive that it would take over a year to build?  Just curious.  


Any more updates here? What is your reccomendation until this is fixed? Setting a discount for the difference on the amount? It not only screws with our price but with our shop. They need to know whether or not to make 22 ft or 22.5 ft. 

I know it's dumb. We get around by doing a quantity of 1 and putting the actual amount in the description

I like that. It triggers you to look at the description if it's 1 every time. Thank you. 


Urgently needed for our account as well ... Hope this update is coming soon. 


Is there any news here ? 

I can't believe it's taking years to change the nature of a field from integer to decimal or float... !


Need this asap as well. Business doesn't run in whole numbers.


This is a big one, was very surprised to find out it's not already a thing, I wouldn't have expected it to not be.


Hi HubSpot Team,


Any progress with this?

ステータスに更新: Being Reviewed

Hey team - I just wanted to give you an update that this work will be completed with this other idea found here:

I'll paste the other update below: 


Hey folks - my name is Ethan and I'm the product manager for the Products and Line Items team. I just wanted to let you know that this is on our roadmap for this quarter and, while I can't give you an exact timeline for release, I would expect that sometime next quarter you will be able to add both fractional quantities in our "Quantity" field and you will have a higher decimal precision (ideally up to 4+ decimal places) in our "Price" field. 


This particular feature probably won't have a wide beta. We'll test it it with a dozen or so teams, then we'll just roll it out to everyone on a percentage basis. I'll update this thread when we begin the percentage rollout. 


As a sidenote, I'll be updating the top Ideas associated with Products and Line Items ~once per quarter going forward. I will include (1) whether or not a feature is on the roadmap for that quarter or not and (2) what our rollout plan for that feature is (e.g. will there be a beta or not). If you have feedback about additional information I could include in these updates, drop a note here. If I see a theme, I'll adjust my updates to address that.


I won't be doing this for every idea, but most ideas above 25 kudos will get that treatment. Looking forward to getting this feature into your hands!


HI @ethankopit, this thread seems quite alarming. It appears to be a simple fix of changing the Quantity field from Integer to Float? I don't  understand why this fix would take over 14 months?? It appears that the community has been very patient waiting for this fix. 

Could we please make this more of a priority, more so than the custom quote templates. This appears to be a quick win, and would help a lot of community members!


Kind regards,




And I thought MS and the US government was slow....  We will be on another pandemic by the time this is enacted... but goodthing you guys don't have meetings on Fridays!!!  🤣


Same as others. This is compulsory!!!


@ethankopit  Any updates on this initiative? 


@ethankopit  the current "quantity" field is creating issues when building quotes.  This field SHOULD allow for decimal values to be entered without rounding off the value.  We have a requirement to enter fractional/decimal values for our clientel which is unavoidably and neccessary.  I've read through all the threads regarding the issue and the talks of a quarterly plan based on an issue that goes back some time seems to be untimely considering the effects of NOT being able to provide anyone's client base with precise information or "deals".

I don't understand the process that changing the "Quantity" or Pricing field values has to undergo but a "quarterly" plan to resolve the issue seems to be a far reach to the solve the problem we face.

Please indicate the gameplan on making the value entry for a QUANTITY allow for a decimal/fractional value (From Feb 2020 to April 2022 - several quarters have gone by)

Please advise as currently Hubspot isn't user friendly when we can't use it's full potential especially in creating quotes or deals which is crucial to our business.

Thanks in advance