Right now it is possible to subscribe to email updates for individual ongoing incidents, but there is no general email subscription option. The idea is to receive an email notification whenever anything whatsoever is reported on status.hubspot.com
As per the page footer, the HubSpot status page is a service provided by statuspage.io
Looking at other companies who provide status pages via statuspage.io , you can see that they provide this type of functionality. Examples are the following:
I'm trying out subscribing to https://status.hubspot.com/history.rss, which, referencing this page, is a way you can get RSS from the page. I've put it in to a Slack channel and will see if it works!
We had to spend some time diagnosing the issue before realising it was HubSpot. This wasted valuable engineering time. If we had been able to recieve status updates via email then we could have been proactively alerted to the root cause of the issue instead of having to dig around.
HubSpot after yesterday's outage please please please look in to adding this feature to your status page. It's critical more now than ever. Thank you