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Right now it is possible to subscribe to email updates for individual ongoing incidents, but there is no general email subscription option. The idea is to receive an email notification whenever anything whatsoever is reported on
As per the page footer, the HubSpot status page is a service provided by
Looking at other companies who provide status pages via , you can see that they provide this type of functionality. Examples are the following:
It would be very beneficial to receive an email alert whenever something is amiss, rather than " visit the page periodically and use the information there as an incident history," as suggested by HubSpot support staff.
Competitor CRM providers have this feature and looking at the original post seems it would be fairly straightforward to implement. C'mon let's have this! 😄
yeah, @SeanHenri is right on. We NEED a Slack integration for this. The business started experiencing problems with HubSpot earlier this week and I had to check the status page... not cool. Would have been better for us to communicate to the business user impacting events.
We are also interested in having some sort of subscription option for HubSpot status. Our client has been asking for this. It would be great to have the following options
Subscribe via email
A simple API so that we can add the status to client dashboards
Just purchased HubSpot - am SUPER SURPRISED this functionality does not exist.
RSS feed subscription to status pages for example (which can then be used to directly integrate with slack's RSS feed integration) is available for Zoom, Zapier, OnceHub/ScheduleOnce, Typeform (just to name the apps we use!). They also usually implement email/phone/twitter etc subscription options...
In this day and age, having to MANUALLY check a status page website to see if a mission-critical system is experiencing (possibly silent) issues and errors is incredibly surprising, especially since I imagine this is an easy thing to implement.
Very basic. We have services that relay customers to hubspot via api and it makes no sense whatsoever to check for updates. We should be notified of disruptions to service so we can take appropriate action. Thanks
This feels like such a very basic thing for status pages that almost every other saas company has implemented. It also appears the page is hosted on Atlassian Statuspage. This is a configurable feature in Atlassian Statuspage last time I checked. This shouldn't be difficult to setup for Hubspot customers.
My wish list:
Subscribe via email
Slack integration
As an admin, I would like to post automated status notifications to a Slack channel so the team knows proactively there is an incident and doesn't have to reach out to ask.
Super basic request particularly for a company that is going hard after Enterprise clients. I just signed up for free updates for both the Incident History page and the Status page to receive emails for changes. It seems more than a little strange that we can't do that within the HS system.
Still hopeful this can be added to the roadmap. At a minimum start by beta testing this function with Enterprise customers...they pay enough to warrant some indication that what they are paying a premium for is not working as expected.
After the outage this week, I urge Hubspot to look at this more closely and provide customers with a way to be proactively alerted about a known issue. This shouldn't be an idea that sits here for four years.
The status page appears to be hosted on StatusPage by Atlassian. That platform supports the ability to subscribe to future incidents. This shouldn't be a complicated update to implement.
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