HubSpot Ideas


Ability to see line item quantities in deal list view

It would be great to have the ability to view associated line items and also their quantities from the main deal list view rather than having to click into the deal record to view the quantities - it would help massively with our reporting as we need to see this type of information at a glance in one place

5 Replies
Hall of Famer

+1, excellent idea!


This would be huge for us! We are unable to effectively use products and line items because of this simple fact.

Guide | Gold Partner

There can be many line items on a deal. How would you want line items and quantities to be displayed in a deal list view? 


We would like to be able to view the line item and quantity on the deal summary board. Currently the only option I see is to display the number of associated line items. Do you know if it is possible to include each line item and associated quantities as shown in on the deal summary board?


We would like to see this



Listed out on this



Guide | Gold Partner

Ah thanks MacKenzie for clarifying that. I can see how an expanding deal card to see line items on the board card would be neat.


Unfortunately, we can't edit that today as developers unless we create a whole new deal board.

That's possible but probably overkill to replace the whole board.


Better to raise this for now as a HubSpot feature request, along with your examples of what you want to see on the deal card