HubSpot Ideas


Ability to report on all products, not just line items (products associated with deals)

Right now when creating a product report, only line items, or products associated with a deal, show up in the report. It would be ideal to be able to report on all products, including those that are not currently associated with a deal.

15 Comentarios

It would be great if you could create reports which relate to products not line items. For example if I have 2x Product A and 1x Product B on Deal Example, then a report currently only shows 1x Product A being attached to a deal as a line item, whereas I would like to see a total number of products.


I know that we are able to run reports on prodcuts. However, I would like to go one level up to create reports on product lines. 


I have multiple products that can be categorized into the following.

  • Photography
  • Virtual Tours 
  • 3D 
  • Fees
  • Videos
  • Ect. 

So although it is nice that we can run a report on line items by product. There are just to many of them to make a meaningful chart to digest the information. 


It would be nice if we could run reports on the Products table. I could probably figure out with the help of the support team creating a new field called product line, and from their run a report on how much our company has sold in each product line. 


I was able to create a product line property in the line items table. However, this would require filling in every single line item with the product line (very time consuming). If I were able to make a workflow on line items to populate the product line field, this may be a workaround. 


I think adding products as something we can report on would be the better method and think it can bring value to a lot of customers to get insight on what product lines are have the most demand and how things shift overtime. 






I can see that there have been three similar posts and I have just upvoted all three. 

It would be great if you could report on unique products specifically. Not just line items. 


At the moment, surfacing any product information in a report comes up as line items. These are not unique and are associated with deals. Any product reports are skewed as they come up as line items and there can be multiple line items. 


I want to know when different products were added to my product library. A 'create date' product property would be necessary for this. A total number of products figure on the product library page would also be handy. As it stands, I need to manually add up the different pages. 

From a reporting standpoint, I want to see a visual representation of when products were added. For example, the date range being 'this quarter' and the frequency being 'weekly'. The Y-axis would be the number of products and the X-axis would be weeks. 


Truthfully, I was surprised to learn that this sort of product report was not possible to create. 


I hope you take my suggestion on board! 


Thank you. 

Colaborador | Partner

Just migrated our wordpress site to HubSpot and moved our online catalog over as well from Shopify.


Really need the ability to report on Products as with any other object if possible to manage:

- product counts, published or not, and timing

- needs ability to report on any property within the product object.




+1 here. Please let's get products on a regular object level, where they can be used in reports etc., independent of deals!


Stil no improvement in Product Reporting? I can't figure out how to make a report on "Count of line items" per Deal. It is not possible to summerize the line items(products) only to use Count distinct. This should realy be basic reporting? Below example I have filtered on 1 specific Deal but it doesn't sum up the products. 




Very disappointing that there is no ability to report on Product Properties (and that there are issues with line item reporting).  I have upvoted, but considering there seems to be no improvement on this in the two years since the orginal post,  I have little hope for this functionalty happening soon.  

I really hope HubSpot addresses this soon.


I actually think even having a basic property like "last used" date (similar to sequences) would be pretty game changing - would make it easy to identify those line items that haven't been used when it comes to keeping things up to date

Colaborador líder | Partner nivel Platinum

I'm working with a client and we have Products with different Statuses e.g. Not in stock, Available, Discontinued etc. We need to be able to report on all Products in the Product Library and display them on a Report on a Dashboard, so that we can see what stock is due in soon etc.


This is a standard reporting requirement for most businesses - it's very difficult to view/compare products in the library without it. Especially when you have more than a handful. 


Dear HubSpot - please can you help us here! 😁


I would like to add that this is a necessary, highly demanded feature. Specifially, we created a custom property on the products objects called "Number of Items in Stock" and I would like to build a report/dashboard that simply visualizes the number of items in stock per product (not line item). Please please please build it - any workaround here is a real pain. 


i want to be able to report on what products sell the most, and who is selling the most of said product(s)


Really need the ability to report on Products as with any other object to manage:

- pricing updates and date of update

- create date

- product counts, manage duplicates

- needs ability to report on any property within the product object



It would really be a big imporvement if we can generate a report based on products. How are we able to tell our stock level if this report is not available?


HubSpot is a great platform, but I recently switched to a HubSpot shop from a Salesforce shop and compared to Salesforce reporting they certainly leave a lot to be desired. Products is a different object than line items! Reports on products will need to look very different than reports on line items. Reporting on the project line item, or user object, etc seems like a no brainer and already exists in Salesforce. If HubSpot wants to move upmarket they absolutely will need to add features like this.




Does anyone know if this ever got implemented or if there is a workaround to get reports on all products?