HubSpot Ideas


Ability to redirect to multiple thank you page based on form response

On a form, there is a field with two different responses, which helps to determine the ideal customer. It is very important to have the feature to redirect a visitor to separate thank you pages based on the response. To B2B customers, we sell our products directly but to B2C customers, we redirect them to e-commerce channels (such as eBay or Amazon). In this case, both the types of customers are important. We can use one landing page and form to target both types of audiences to promote the product but redirect them to the relevant offer/content based on the response.


HubSpot Updates
February 15, 2024 06:46 AM

Hi folks,


I’m Ian, the Product Manager for HubSpot’s Forms tool.


Thanks to all of you tha have expressed interest in participating in user testing. You're welcome to continue expressing your interest here. I'll reach out to you directly when we have opportunities to participate. 


Any news about this feature request will be relayed on this thread, so stay tuned!


Being Reviewed
January 18, 2024 02:35 AM

Hi folks,


I’m Ian, the Product Manager for HubSpot’s Forms tool.


Thank you all for taking the time to submit, upvote, and comment on this Idea. We hear you loud and clear, and we agree that this functionality is important. We are currently evaluating how our team will implement this idea. If you're interested in participating in user testing, just reply to this thread. 


Any news about this feature request will be relayed on this thread, so stay tuned!


April 10, 2017 05:17 AM

Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 128 votes.


I have a form with a field that asks a question with two different responses. It would be good to have the functionality to redirect to separate thank you pages based on the response.


For example, if Mr Lead chooses answer A, they will go to thank you page A, if they choose answer B, they will go to thank you page B.


This would allows us to present our leads with content that truly is relevant to them.

143 Replies

I would also love to have this implemente! it is crazy how many times I have needed this and still nothing!


This will help with Facebook/LinkedIn tracking so we can track those effectively as well.


Weeee neeed it ❤️




That would be great to redirect a specific thank you page depending on a completed property.

Example: For a demo request if in the "sector" property, the prospect selects "Industry", it will be great to send a Thank You page on which the prospect will have the choice to set a time slot in the agenda of the sales representative assigned to Industry sector directly? 


Are there any updates on this?

Contributor | Elite Partner

Yes Form Submission Logic is such an important form feature. Hoping this gets pushed up soon as it is one of the key reasons some clients remain with services like Formstack.


Additional flexibitly (complexity) suggestion
Make the decision tree able to contain more than on variable. In our case the selection of country and what they wanted to do as their next step would combine to determine the redirect location.

HubSpot Employee

Hi! Commenting for a customer here!

While Ander's suggestion seem to work, it requires quite a bit of effort and not everyone would be comfortable with coding it out.

Hence,  would really like to see this feature being implmented for users!


In relation to @anders_grove code, I've tried installing a html module into my page and embedding the code but everytime I put the entire code in the module dissapears completely. Can any one help? Where is the code meant to be implemented if it isn't within a custom HTML module. Has any one got any other ideas to work around this? Essentially I have a form where the answer to one question, regardless of the answer to the others will take a customer to a specific product page. 






I STRONGLY second this request! HIGHLY important for multiple product/service offerings to be able to track separately and provide the best consumer experience post-submission!


are there any updaes from hubspot on this? it has been a few years


This is a must have! Can't believe it's been 3 years and it still hasn't been included.

The code-based solution is ok, but fails to work in certain embed environments so it is not an ultimate solution.


Hoping for an update on this soon!!


We have issues with B2C customers finding out B2B pages and submitting our form which further links to a demo schedule page. It wastes our reps time to filter out these false requests. 


Having dynamic thank-you pages or redirects will be a HUGE problem solver as we can direct certain customers to the right place or send them to the right schedule link. 


It's been 4 years and there is still no fix to this. It's shocking! its such a simple and basic requirement that a form should provide. 


So I've found a work around for this, create a custom module in Hubspot and use the following code. I don't know how to link the code without screen grabbing it on here. Inset this code into the custom module, then insert the module into the page you want. This will only redirect based upon the value of one field. you can replicate the ELSE IF section of the code if there are more than 3 options.


To change the code replace where I have put in Capital letters:




These 4 above are up to you to decide and are merely for referencing for the code to work so as long as they are the same above and below then that's all that matters





These are the web addresses you want the page to re-direct to depending on selection




Go to you form and right click on it, click inspect and find out the true name of the value you want to redirect based upon. E.g    How_Much_Is_Your_Budget?

Make sure this is copied exactly how it appears in the inspector.




Make sure these are copied exactly how it appears in your form for the values is the field we have named above, e.g £1-£2 include the spaces if you have any in the field so it might be £1 - £2


Obviously make sure you update your portal id and form id also at the top where the XXXXX are






This is a must to have moving forward.  Can't wait for Hubspot to build this functionality into the platform.


4 years later and this is still SO NEEDED!!! Not having this feature is by far the BIGGEST limitation I have with Hubspot. The lack of conditional rules (notifications, redirects) is a HUGE user experience issue for us. Can we send a follow up email in a workflow based on the form? Sure. But wouldn't it be ideal if we direct them immediately to an appropriate thank you page? We have to use other vendors and create workaround solutions because this seemingly common sense feature doesn't exist.


Hi! This is exactly what i'm looking for, any update on this?


I found a work aroud with the code in my comment above


@SMcGarrigle i'm just looking at your screenshot now 🙂 I'm not great at code etc but sure i can figure it out!


@SMcGarrigle , in your code can you give more context to "YOUR SCRIPT HERE"? Sorry if its a silly question!