HubSpot Ideas


Ability to have option to enable/disable documents download

Currently, when files are sahred, the file can be downloaded by everyone who got shared with that specific document. 

However, there are certain times that we would not want the files to be shared. 

Thus, it would be great if we have an option to disable the documents to be dounloaded. 

HubSpot Updates
Not Currently Planned
October 29, 2020 06:31 AM

Hi everyone, 


Thanks you for all of your perspectives on this issue. We are continue to follow this thread, but unfortunately at this time there are no plans to develop this Idea. This is not to say that this idea will never be developed, just that there are no plans to do so at this time.






Not Currently Planned
April 27, 2020 03:09 PM

For transparency, I'm updating this issue to 'Not currently planned' as the team is not planning on this in the next quarter of work.




135 Replies

@glencornell I hope you're doing great in this Covid19 era. I'm thankful for all the tools that you guys are putting together at hubspot that allow us to have a better quality life in what we do. 


As a Business Developer I'm curious to why is this FEATURE, not on your Priority list, since as a Software Developer it's a quick fix. I respect that you might have a ton of features requests that are more necessary based on your priority system of evaluation. 


The challenge with this feature which is one of many reasons why we take the service is that we can track who Opens the documents and even if the user wants to share it with another lead or prospect, the new person will have to enter his email. 


Screen Shot 2021-10-17 at 1.06.11 PM.png 


Now having the DOWNLOAD button ON makes it obsolete because the first Prospect, can download the document and send it to who ever he wants and we can't keep track of potential other leads and referals from the first Prospects. It's kind of a false advertising about the feature.


On the opposite Google Drive allows to remove the download feature. As a user, i prefer to have everything centralized in hubspot to track in your dashboard. but Google Also offers their view of who checked the document. Even if for now it's not page per page. 


Screen Shot 2021-10-20 at 9.30.39 AM.png


A lot of users might migrate to use Google Drive and just track the CLICK in Hubspot.  While the main added value is checking which page has been viewed, how long it has been viewed, and keeping in the record of the prospect and keep track of other viewers, ( leads ) 


How can you guys help about this ? 



As HubSpot is about tracking data and get insight, I wonder how can we gain this by letting our users to "download" the file ? I highly recommend to offer the possibility to lock the download. Other free tools allow that and its unfortunate to use third party tool for that simple feature. 


Same here – it is very important for us to have the option to disable the download button.


It may make sense to move away from Hubspot for sharing functionality. I am happy to share ideas on what we did to move away from Hubspot since they clearly do not listen to customers .


This is a standard feature that is heavily used in Docsend in order to track who in a company looks at your document.  As many have suggested in this thread, currently someone can download the document and send it around their company.  Making the Download an option provides companies with opportunity to track everyone is looking at the document not just the first person...   It would be much appreciated if you would implement this easy feature request.  It has been outstanding for several years...


So many people have made this request but it continues to go ignored by the HubSpot development teams. This feature is incredibly simple.

Can everyone here continue replying to this thread so it gains a little more traction with HubSpot's customer success team?


I think this is a vital feature for sending and tracking (which huspot is great at) of private documents. The fact that it's not in here astounds me!



Yes please, this is a really useful feature !


Very good idea that would be very helpful to have!


Critical! We are still using Docsend instead of Hubspot for all docs sharing because of that... 


Any update on this feature?


Show / no show button. Can't be that difficult...?


Does there is any update about the planning of developping this feature ?


Hi Everyone. Your requirement to share files with downloads disabled can be solved by using CloudFiles.

Once you install the CloudFiles app from the HubSpot marketplace, all you would need is to :

  1. import file from your computer or google drive, SharePoint, onedrive or dropbox into the CloudFiles widget.
  2. Set the downloads disabled toggle and share the link.

You can check out this 1 min video to understand the process:


This feature is very easy to do. it will take litterally 1 hour for an unexperienced developer.

This is very important. Hubspot has to provide a minimum level of controle for content sharing.

Same for revoking access to an already generated link to a document.



Still no after 3 years?


we want it too


Need this functionality added asap.


Any updates?


In 2023, I would love to see this option! I feel like this is very much needed. Sometimes we have documents that we do not want to be downloaded. 


Who does everyone use instead of HubSpot for documents like this? I want to be able to track and not have people download the PDF.