Thanks you for all of your perspectives on this issue. We are continue to follow this thread, but unfortunately at this time there are no plans to develop this Idea. This is not to say that this idea will never be developed, just that there are no plans to do so at this time.
Currently, I use Google Drive and Box to manage files I exchange with clients and investors.
This small request (disabling the download feature) will motivate me and many others to migrate quickly everything into hubspot. Please give it a higher priority - Your ROI will be immense, it's relatively a small efforts that can make many of your customers really happy.
We have solved this problem through our HubSpot app, CloudFiles. It looks and feels exactly like HubSpot Attachments but when you upload a file, a link is generated. You can activate/de-activate this link, put hard & soft ID validation, do time tracking, integrate with workflows etc... all in the context of your records. It is an enhancement over the HubSpot Documents tool.
We plan to launch it in March and are looking for prospective customers for feedback.
This is a huge feature for us, and extremely easy to code. Just disable the download button or remove it altogether for certain documents. Simple feature request you guys should be able to do in just a few days!
Along with enabling/disabling of link, we are also supporting enabling/disabling download. All options would be in the security dialog. Dialogs on slide 6 & slide 9 here will collectively provide this functionality.
It's currently not shown in the screenshots but we do have it in our first version.
Help us NOT have to use yet another tool to do something that seems pretty doable for HubSpot. Please activate this feature that would let us control the downloading setting!
It doesn't look like it's on the roadmap at all, so I wouldn't hold our breath but keep upvoting the Idea!
In the meantime, I have found a perfect solution for this - CloudFiles
It's not in the Hubspot App Store and been speaking with the founder, they are very responsive and perfectly fits the needs! I suggest you all download it and try it! It's perfect!
Hubspot just doesn't care about this issue, people have been asking for it for 4 years now. I've had to take out a separate subscription to DocSend just to get around this nonsense.
Probably the best thing I did though, far superior to the rubbish from HubSpot!
@glencornell Is there any update on this? A pretty major feature to have for sensitive information sharing. Would be amazing to have an update on the progress of this
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