This is very much needed. Workflows that copy from a contact property to a deal property require the dropdown options on either target to match completely. I'm currently having to compare a 243-option dropdown that doesn't match to a 241-option dropdown and being able to work in a spreadsheet would make this simple.
Properties and values import and export should be a feature. When exporting values, it is also key to export the internal values next to the label. This is used for integrations with other tools and since they are not editable, the user needs to be able to see if there are discrepancies (i.e. the label has been renamed) as it will screw the integrations.
Original auther here, and 4 years later, I still have several use cases for this feature. Bumping it up in the hopes that it gets on the properties roadmap. While exporting the drop-down options for a given field is the most pressing need, it would also be incredibly helpful to be able to export a master properties list. This is a request we often receive from cross-functional teams, and as others have mentioned in the comments, incredibly useful when working on integrations or data governance projects.
Oh my gosh!!!! So for four years this has not been implimented? This is data hygene 101 and it really **bleep**. HubSpot mentions needing to keep data clean but you can't match databases properly nor work crossfunctionally on this. This really **bleep**. Such a simple thing to permit. Literally. Has anyone found a work around?
Since no one from HubSpot ever responded, I thought I would share that this feature has been implemented. If you go to Settings > Properties there is a button in the upper right corner called "Export all properties" that will spit out a spreadsheet of all field names, internal labels, field-types, descriptions, and drop-down options, among other things. I have no idea when it became available.