HubSpot Ideas


Ability to exclude recipients form CES Survey

There is currently no way to exclude specific contacts from the getting a CES. 

This functionality should be added. 

We have some customers that have specifically requested not to get the survey anymore, and there is no way to do this if we open a support ticket for them. A cumbersom workaround is needed.  

24 Replies

Absolutely need this, we have customers complaining about receiving too many and there is literally nothing we can do about it (bar totally rearranging our pipeline which is not an option). 


+1. Some of our customers are also complaining about receiving too many survey, and it impacts the results (they give bad marks and leave a comment to say that they don't want to receive the survey everytime).

It seems that there used to have more options before (according to this article for example : in the criterias. But now, the only option displayed in "Recipients" is a Pipeline. It would be great to have more options to choose which user will receive the survey.


+ 1 This would be incredibly helpful.




Olá, tudo bem?

Aqui tambem temos esse problema, por várias vezes, nossos clientes enviam e respondem os e-mails copiando alem de nossa caixa principal, também a caixa de algum agente que está tratando o caso com isso o Hubspot está entendo que essas pessoas junto da caixa principal também são clientes e acabam cadastrando-as na nossa base de contatos, consequentemente as vinculando nos tiquets, então quando o tiquet é encerrado, nosso colaborador recebe a pesquisa de satisfação junto com o cliente.

Seria bom, alguma forma evitar que nossos colaboradores recebam essas pesquisa de satisfação.


Agreed - definitely needed. We're turning off customer satisfaction surveys until this is fixed. 


Shame really as looks like SalesForce supports it:


Same Same Same as above!  We have mulitiple repeat clients who find the surveys cumbersome and annoying when they have gotten the same one mulitiple times in short periods of time!


It would be ideal to have an option to filter out contacts based on their contact's criteria, so we could exclude sbscribers, other etc from receiving ticket feedback surveys 


Really missing this possibility! Our support teams mainly interact with customers, but often also have cases with a few suppliers/partners. These suppliers are not the target audience for the survey and complain about receiving it each time they have a case with us. Would be great if we could f.ex. exclude recipients with a few specific email domains. 

Hope to see this feature soon!


this is a must!


Need this! In addition, an option to block certain tickets from receiving the survey would be helpful.


Agree. VIP customers, partners/customers who conduct a lot of daily business through our Service Hub, and internal staff receiving constant surveys is an issue. This is a big feature requirement, hope its on someone's radar at Hubspot. Multiple surveys could ultimately skew the responses if people are responding that they are getting too many survey requests. Unfortunately, the way it works now Service Hub teams have to choose to not survey or annoy with surveys. 


Has anyone in the community found a workaround with a workflow or the like? 


Hello everyone I found a workaround that is a bit annoying but it works. How the CES currently works its currently linked to a pipeline that reads when a ticket is moved to the "closed" stage or status. This tells the system to send a CES survey to mesure customer satisfaction. We all know this, so what I did is create a couple pipelines, you only just need one, for tickets that are not linked to the survey purposely for these tickets that only require service but we do not want to hit them with a survey response. By creating the ticket within that pipiline at closing you are completely skiping this survey workflow, while still getting the peace of mind of creating the record needed for historical data. 


Hope this helps! 


its very important

we have some automation tickets that dont need CES, and its a big problem with our ticket flow, cuose customer dont understand why its receiving this survey, Please take this as important and urgent improvement 


This is badly needed. I might just turn our CES off if we can't get some change to this or possibly workaround it (though I don't think I should have to).

We can't go multi-pipeline just because of this. That would complicate several other things for us.


We have some edge cases where tickets are created for internal use only, also we have technical contacts at large customers who contact us frequently. It's just bad for business to do it this way.


Edit: We did stop using it and are looking into alternatives.


We need to stop using the CES survey due to the fact that it doesn't provide us with exlusion options. 😕


This needs to be added.


+ 1 ... exactly what we need




+1 here.


We have the same issue with specific Contacts who want to not receive feedback surveys anymore, but they still request support tickets. Worse, we have this issue with support-based emails from property management companies that create an infinite loop and a mess for our CSRs. 

Hey how'd we do" (from us), "Hey we got your ticket" (from the Contact),

Hey how'd we do" (from us), "Hey we got your ticket" (from the Contact),

Hey how'd we do" (from us), "Hey we got your ticket" (from the Contact),
