HubSpot Ideas


Ability to edit CRM forms via API

  1. Who is the feature for: developers
  2. The goal: allow developers to change CRM forms via API
  3. The value: developers will be able to delete/change CRM object properties, even if they are used in objct creation form.
  4. More examples: -
  5. More background:

At my company we have 1 "production" HS account and several others for testing purposes. All these accounts should have the same set up (same objects, same properties names and labels etc.). In order not to do this setup manually, we decided to develop an automated script which creates/updates custom object schemas via API.


But we bumped into a problem:

In case a property is used in this object's creation form, we receive the next error from HS:

Property: <property name> of object type <object ID> is currently used in 1 places and cannot be deleted

There's no way to remove this property from a form via API. It should only be a human who goes into UI and removes this field manually from the form.

And same story with a property which was added to a Custom Object: we can't add it to a form.


Because of this, we have to do extra development to overcome all consequences.