HubSpot Ideas


Ability to create lists and workflows from Document views

Our sales team has switched over to using the Sales Pro Document tool to send document links to their clients via email. This is a really great tool however, outside of the document view window it's not possible to extract names and create a list and workflow of those who have viewed your documents. This prevents us from adding contacts to lists, campaigns and the ability to communicate with these clients based on their specific interactions.


Thank you!

Status aktualisiert zu: Delivered
July 17, 2023 07:07 AM

Hey folks-


I'm happy to announce that our event-based workflow triggers has just been released! As part of this, you can now trigger off of document views and shares for contact-based workflows. Let us know if you have any further feedback or questions!

April 26, 2023 12:36 PM

Hi all,


I'm a lead on the on the Workflows team and I wanted to personally reach out and share an update here. We understand that enrolling on sales document views/shares has been a feature many customers have been eagerly awaiting for quite some time, and I'm happy to say this is something we are actively working on right now and hope to have available in the near future. 


I want to express our gratitude for your patience and continued support. Know that your feedback and persistence have not gone unnoticed, and we will keep you posted with any further updates!




Status aktualisiert zu: Being Reviewed
April 27, 2020 03:05 PM

Hi Community,


I've updated this issue to 'Being Reviewed', as we are currently reviewing the technical work required to bring this type of contact segmentation in lists and workflows. I will update here once we have learned more or have plans in place.




110 Kommentare

Thank you for the update Jesse, much appreciated! Look forward to this new functionality 🙂


Any news on the status of this update? 

Status aktualisiert zu: Delivered

Hey folks-


I'm happy to announce that our event-based workflow triggers has just been released! As part of this, you can now trigger off of document views and shares for contact-based workflows. Let us know if you have any further feedback or questions!


@jbartola, it's working for the workflows, thank you !
But will you add the possibility to have the same thing for the lists ? As example, create an active list for all people who have seen XXX sales document ? 

Thank you in advance


@jbartola I second @ELagneaux's repsonse. Great that it's in Workflows, but where we really need it is to create lists based on doc views. Is that functionality coming?


Hello! Any update on this functionallity? I would really like to be able to capture anyone who views a document. 


I see that you have marked this idea as delivered however the workflow trigger is not exactly helpful. You would have to create a workflow for each document to maintain a  list of each contact who has viewed a document. Please can you let us know when filtering on a sales docuement view will be available in lists ?


This is another classic example of HubSpot delivering half a solution, need to add historic views to list quickly and easily, this does not appear possible today, the workflow is great for new documents and labour intensive as a new workflow needs to be added per document

Unless im missing something obvious, there is also no documents api endpoint so can't get this that way either


I am wondering if Hubspot sees this request as closed.  Hubspot Product management, could you confirm if you know that users are looking for the list functionality?  We would like to have different emails go out based on if our dealers have opened the new price list or not.  Then we are not resending the same thing that half of the customers have already processed.  Thank you.


Are you sure? I can't filter for documents... I need some way to identify the document viewers