HubSpot Ideas


Ability to create lists and workflows from Document views

Our sales team has switched over to using the Sales Pro Document tool to send document links to their clients via email. This is a really great tool however, outside of the document view window it's not possible to extract names and create a list and workflow of those who have viewed your documents. This prevents us from adding contacts to lists, campaigns and the ability to communicate with these clients based on their specific interactions.


Thank you!

HubSpot Updates
July 17, 2023 07:07 AM

Hey folks-


I'm happy to announce that our event-based workflow triggers has just been released! As part of this, you can now trigger off of document views and shares for contact-based workflows. Let us know if you have any further feedback or questions!

April 26, 2023 12:36 PM

Hi all,


I'm a lead on the on the Workflows team and I wanted to personally reach out and share an update here. We understand that enrolling on sales document views/shares has been a feature many customers have been eagerly awaiting for quite some time, and I'm happy to say this is something we are actively working on right now and hope to have available in the near future. 


I want to express our gratitude for your patience and continued support. Know that your feedback and persistence have not gone unnoticed, and we will keep you posted with any further updates!




Being Reviewed
April 27, 2020 03:05 PM

Hi Community,


I've updated this issue to 'Being Reviewed', as we are currently reviewing the technical work required to bring this type of contact segmentation in lists and workflows. I will update here once we have learned more or have plans in place.




110 Replies

THis would be useful. As would the ability to use any downloads from content on teh website as a trigger in  workflow so we can either be prompted to follow-up via a task or an automatic email goes out, say, 5 days after some content has been downlaoded on website (similar to what has been proposed here for Sales Docs, but on website instead) .


@OCogan I have a configuration for capturing/triggering based on content being downloaded on the website.


Form to capture information - takes to Thank You page.

On the Thank You page, have a CTA button that takes the visitor to the download (which would be hosted in the Marketing > Files). You can then use the CTA click as a trigger, to create lists, etc.

If you have access to it, the Behaviour Events offer a bit more freedom but require a bit more technical knowledge to implement.


Hope that helps :).


Hi @kbialy and others who need this feature.

We are developing CloudFiles which we plan to launch in a few weeks. It is an enhancement over Documents and provides workflow integration, detailed analytics, multiple security settings etc... It has a File Viewed event which you can configure based on file name, time spent, view count etc... and trigger workflows, filter lists etc... You can try out CloudFIles on HubSpot Marketplace.





Once the document is sent, there's no way to create list, or filtering contact using documents activity, therefore drastically reducing the usefulness of the document tool 😳

It would be very great if document activities would be accessible for reporting / list creation, like meeting activities/notes/etc.



This can be done through CloudFiles app. You can upload a file, put soft-gating on it (collect emails) & share the link in the wild. Based on the email address entered at the time of access, the CloudFiles: File Viewed event is posted on the contact which can be used to trigger workflows, filter lists etc...

The app is live on HubSpot marketplace if you'd like to try.

Participant | Diamond Partner

This has to be available otherwise the Documents tracking feature is completely useless.


It's q2 2021, Has this been resolved? 


Awaiting a solution as yet

There is a semi-workaround in the HubSpot Marketplace - CloudFiles.

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since we can't trigger a sequence on document views, how do we export documetn view events so we can do it by hand?

I just moved over the whole list by hand, and we will be switching to
docsend for future versions.
-The Emerald Banker

We recently created an article and an infographic with detailed steps on how to do this using CloudFiles.


I don't understand what the point of the documents tool is without this 'feature'. 

Member | Elite Partner

Our Client needs this function, too. Pls, develop it.


Throw us into the "want" pile. Totally crazy this feature doesn't exist in Hubspot. This should of been baked in since the start of documents. Please fix this!


Can't believe this has been reviewed since 2018 and not done yet.


We store documents on hubspot and sahre them


But what's the use if you cna't generate list,s workflows and nothing else with it?

3 years already since this was reported....


Key Advisor | Diamond Partner

@glencornell  might you have any updates by chance?


Was looking for this feature today and surprised it isn't available. Please prioritise this!


totally agree!  Been asking for this feature or any feature to help with following up on document views and clicks for two years.  8-)


+1 for this feature. Should 100% already exist!