HubSpot Ideas


Ability to create list of deals

I would like the ability to create a list of deals and be able to choose the deal properties for an export. I can create lists of deals at this time but they are contact-centric rather than deal-centric. So, for instance, I can create a list of Closed-Won deals but can't export a list that includes the deal names. 

13 Replies

yes! i just realized this wasn't an option today, when I needed it. I want to quickly update a list of deals. Right now, I can only pull a list of the companies associated with that deal. I tried via reports, but there is no way to quickly update the info like you can do with lists. I also tried via the "deal view" but i have better control over my filters when they are lists. The view filters and report filters are more limited than the list filters. 


I've run into this like a dozen times.  Really need the ability to build lists for ANY object time, including custom objects. 




Please provide Deal lists, viewing tables of deal or any object data needs to be easier


This would fix so many issues with reporting! please please please add this to the roadmap! 


Yes this would be super helpful. We often run experiments with a group of deals and then want to report on them. Right now I have to manually export the deals included in the experiment to track them and then create a property to set on those deals so I can then use it as a filter for Husbpot reports. Adds a lot of unnecessary steps.

Member | Diamond Partner

Having deal lists would make a lot of sales ops and reporting tasks a lot easier. Would be great to see this get added ASAP.

Top Contributor

Would be very cool!

Top Contributor

Oh yes, this is a pet peeve of mine that drives me crazy at times! You can get away with views of the deals, but there are times when a nice static list would make life so much simpler...


Adding support for this - I want to be able to add deals to a list with a (deal-based) workflow, seems crazy that I can't do this. We often have contacts/companies associated to multiple deals, so it gets complicated using 'contacts associated to deals' when I just want to see a list of deals that meet certain criteria.

HubSpot Product Team

Hi folks,

Thank you so much for contributing to this idea. I'm happy to announce that Deal lists can now be created! 


This feature is available currently in beta and you can opt your portal in by clicking here


Omygosh! FINALLY! Great news @AndresBustos !! Thank you for the heads up!

HubSpot Product Team

Hi folks,


Thank you for voting on this idea! I'm happy to say that Deal Lists and Custom Object Lists are now available!