Ability to configure double-opt in email settings in multiple languages
We have a site in different languages. The HubSpot COS double opt-in configuration (found in COS -> Content -> Content Settings -> Email -> Double Opt-in) isonly supported in one language.
Would be great if this was available in multiple languages so we don't have to recreate the functionality for each language in workflows.
I cannot believe that the idea is around for 6 years now 😂 Are you guys working on this?! An answer or at least an estimate would be very helpful!
Also, the option to delay the e-mail 1-2 mins is a great idea; so we can use the smart rules there also to make it more likely people click on the confirmation links.
Hi Tyler, this functionality is long overdue. Is there any progress with this?
It's been quite a few years now that the GDPR is in force in Europe - and still, the opt-in email is only available in one language! Sorry, but that's a bit embarrassing, isn't it? In any case, it's embarrassing for me to have to explain to a customer that HubSpot has no GDPR-compliant opt-in emails for a multilingual newsletter. So please implement this soon. Thank you!
This feature would be extremely useful and is one of the main tools to convert leads in newsletter subscribers. Especially after a personal contact the chance of converting this person to an opt-in marketing contact is very high. Hitting the 'Send opt-in email' link at this Contact would be very nice. And especially if there's a choice out of more then one Opt-in mail for our different brands and different languages. Come on please. Does anyone knows how long this Idea/Wish is in the status "In Planning"?
This is SOOOO necessary for so many users sharing multilingual content. A little mind-boggling that it's been 7 years since this has been requested and hasn't been implemented yet... We're trying to find a workaround that doesn't involve multiple workflows and CTAs (12+ languages we're dealing with).
This feature and the option to double opt-in email settings in multiple languages is still very important and would be a great help. An update soon would be a big step forward @TylerScionti
We really need this feature to support multiple languages for the double opt-in email! This has been set to "In planning" since pre-covid. Can we please get an update from the HubSpot product team on when this will be released?
I’m Markie, a Product Manager working within HubSpot’s Messaging Experience group. Thank you all for taking the time to submit, upvote, and comment on this Idea. We recognize this is a long-standing pain point for many and I can confirm we are currently exploring how we can best support this -- among other improvements to the existing double opt-in experience. Any news about this particular feature request will be relayed on this thread, so stay tuned.
Six years since the first request for this, on this thread. Come on Hubspot this is really poor customer service and limiting for your customers, please raise this up your feature build program