Ability to configure double-opt in email settings in multiple languages
We have a site in different languages. The HubSpot COS double opt-in configuration (found in COS -> Content -> Content Settings -> Email -> Double Opt-in) isonly supported in one language.
Would be great if this was available in multiple languages so we don't have to recreate the functionality for each language in workflows.
I cannot believe this is still not solved. I am so disappointed by the inability of Hubspot to offer multilanguage solution. I guess this is due to the ethnocentric American thinking. But as you are selling Hubspot to Europe and other non-English speaking countries this is really a big no-go!
I cannot believe this is still not solved. I am so disappointed by the inability of Hubspot to offer multilanguage solution. I guess this is due to the ethnocentric American thinking. But as you are selling Hubspot to Europe and other non-English speaking countries this is really a big no-go!
@MWilcox@TylerScionti We are trying to build multi-language DOI ourselves and it is very challenging. Surely this is basic compliance requirement you are over 5 years' late on. It's amazing there are so many other shiny new toys but this is a vital part of the plumbing that is leaking!
@MWilcox It's really unbelievable that nothing has happened here yet. We are eagerly waiting for the function to create multilingual DOI emails. So far, no workflow we have tried has been satisfactory. Can you roughly estimate when an update can be expected?
Hi @MWilcox , just checking in to see if there is any progress here. My team is in the process of implementing Hubspot and this is a HUGE pain point for us. If not different language versions, at least the option to delay the DOI email by say 5 minutes in order to make use of Smart Content via lists or something as a temporary fix until multiple language versions can be implemented would make a world of difference. Thank you!
Hey folks, Just sharing a quick update. We've updated the status of this ask to 'in planning' and this work is in development -- our engineering teams are hard at work bringing it to life. While I can't give an exact timeline due to the nature of product development, we're pushing to deliver it as soon as we can. Again, please keep an eye on this thread for any further updates.
Hi @MWilcox very eager for this here - we've put off our own hack (for a long time) and this is key to fulfil regulatory requirements across borders (especially in Europe). How is this progressing?