Ability to choose sync direction between HubSpot Sandboxes and HubSpot Production Environments
Currently, you can only sync from the production to the sandbox. If could also sync in the other direction that would be awesome and will allow development teams to mimic their actual deployment flow. In development, it is uncommon to create something in production before creating it in a test/dev environment.
Just started with Hubspot and this is a real disappointment for a product that costs XX times our current CRM / Service desk tools. This is really not logic.
I hope Hubspot is listening. I've never seen a CRM that does not allow a sandbox to flow into production when needed. I will miss my project deadline as I will now have to remember all the properties and workflows and rules I created in my sandbox and try and mimic in Production. The sandbox is virtually useless as a tool without the ability to sync to production.
This is relevant for us too, using the Sandbox is key to not mess up the production environment for existing workflows, but once the customer approves, it takes a long time to then replicate everything over. It would literally save us days of work to be able to just sync the other way around without affecting the data—just the additional properties and workflows that were added in the sandbox environment.
Definitely MUCH needed! A Sandbox that doesn't allow you to commit changes back to production is useless. Double the work. Higher chance of error trying to replicate it. Please implement real soon!
This is a crucial feature for enterprise-level deployment, especially for CRM. Of course SFDC has a sophisticated deployment process from sandbox to prod. HubSpot needs to have the same in order to be serious at the enterprise level.
@Celmer93 $500/mo. or almost $5K/year doesn't seem like a great solution to cover for one of HubSpot's half-baked features. Two-way sandbox sync seems like table stakes.