It would be really useful if users had the ability to archive 'deals'.
I've seen a few people request this functionality from as far back as 2017, so it'd be great to know if I've missed something or if it's just still not available as a function.
If not, it'd be great to know if anyone had a smart interim solutions for this?
I agree that this functionality is necessary and fundamental. It would help in removing a closed/won deal from workflows and communications that are not relevant to them.
I agree this should be implemented. Of course, there are implications that must be thought through when considering this functionality such as, once a deal is archived, does it apply to reporting still? So, then you would need two different types of archiving. A show/hide archive that keeps deal data in reporting or a true archive where that deal's data is no longer included in reporting or anywhere else. This is probably why HS hasn't implemented it yet.
Here is how I solved it for my client. They only wanted to archive lost deals so I built a workflow that moves deals from the lost column to the archive column after 30 days. The column is visible to Super Admins only. A hack but it works.
@scottspaid I see you can change ability to edit a certain stage, but I don't see anywhere that you can hide it. How did you do that? Thanks for any help!!
What frustrates our business is that any deal associations still show against Contact or Customer. We still want the Deal associated with the Customer or Contact but not to see them on the Timeline down the right-hand side. An archive option to go into when needed would be ideal. I have some customers that have dozens of quotes/deals associated. I have just had to bite the bullet and delete these old deals after a couple of years as it is too much clutter!
@JMcFarlane - First, it is only hidden if you're not a Super Admin. To hide a deal column for everyone else go to Settings > Objects > Deals and click the Pipelines tab. From there, pick the column or deal stage you want to hide, click on Users with access to deals and select Limited to super admins.
Yes please, having a way to archive closed tickets and deals so that the don't show on the righthand side would be fantastic--having closed deals and tickets cluttering up the side makes the righthand column way less effective than it could be as a view.
Adding a vote to this! We simply want to be able to filter out long closed deals and tickets so they don't clutter up boards but still stay in the right pipelines for reporting purposes. In the meantime I think we will have to create a property called 'Archived' and use a workflow to update this property once deals/tickets have been closed for X amount of time, then create board filters to take out any deals or tickets that have been tagged as Archived - but it would be so much better to have some native functionality for this.
I'm going to share this thread with our HS CSM on the next call - maybe if everyone does that it will attract more attention? We have over 250k closed deals in our instance and the ability to archive rather than delete is becoming a common thread when discussing reporting.