HubSpot Ideas


Ability to Add URLs to Dashboards

There are times a report can't be created for a Dashboard view, but can be accessible through the Page Analytics. 


For example, if I want to create a "page view to conversions report", I can do so with a report and add it to the Dashboard but this includes Landing Pages as well as Thank You Pages.  Because no one is going to convert on our Thank You Pages, having them on the report is noise. 


However, I can go to the page analytics tool add LP into the search box and ONLY my Landing Pages come up.  So much less noise to sift through and makes it easier to see how the LPs are performing against each other. 


Now, the issue from there is that I can't take the report from the analytics tool and add it into the dashboard because it only brings over the chart and not the table underneath which is what I really want.  The chart only shows me numbers by day, but I really want to see the results of each page. 


However, if I had the ability to add a link into the Dashboard, I could simply add that into the Dashboard and the users could click that to go to the analytics tool directly from the reports.   


One of the great thing about Dashboards is that it gives me the ability to provide information all in one place for my users, but if a report can't be created for the Dashboard then there isn't a clean way to send users elsewhere in the tool to get the information from a different place.