HubSpot Ideas


API access to check email against Global Bounce list (before creating contact)

Users can sign up to our SaaS platform for a free trial. To keep friction as low as possible we send a link to the email account they enter while they access the free trial directly.

In some cases they enter emails that are on HubSpot's global bounce list. This is a good indicator that they will not receive the email.


To prevent creating accounts with known HubSpot bounces we want to check the email before creating the contact.


Through the API I can submit an email address and check if this is on the global bounce list or not. This way I can validate the email before they create a free trial account.


The response contains at least the following values

- email (email format)

- global bounced (bool)

- on list since (timestamp)


The API request must accept a single email or a list of emails. The emails must be checked for being formatted as valid emails.



The API for timeline does not work as it only records for my portal (