HubSpot Ideas


ADD a url field to custom modules

The addition of Custom Modules is great, but one thing I would love to have is the addition of a URL field type. Ideally just the link as it would make it easier to integrate custom buttons (set the buttons classes and such, and then use set it to the link that was set in the options).

6 Commentaires
Statut mis à jour : In Planning
Équipe de développement de HubSpot
Statut mis à jour : In Beta
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

@kleonard how far is this in process? Is it ready to be used in near future?


A year later since being updated to "in beta", I'm also very curious about the resolution to @Captshawn's request.

Équipe de développement de HubSpot

@jjordanenvy @TAM We're currently working on and testing a new link/URL field internally right now, aimed at being flexible enough to provide both a plain, validated URL value (without devs needing to use their own regex) while still offering configurable parts on that same field that would allow for developers to add additional properties / attributes and avoid reinventing the wheel for commonly used URL-related "sub"-fields.


Wherever we land, we want to be sure that we're be providing a UX consistent with what users have come to expect in other URL-input patterns in the app.


If you aren't already a member of our CMS developer's slack community, I'd encourage you to join-- in addition to collaborating / sharing ideas with your peers, it's the first place from which we'll be sourcing for betas and announcing new dev-centric features.


cc @Captshawn


Thanks for the update, @kleonard.