HubSpot Ideas


A time-tracking tool to track billable hours

HubSpot should create a tool that allows those of us who do time-based work (e.g. consultants, freelancers, creatives, lawyers) to track their time and link it directly to a deal, quote, or project. Right now, there's no easy way to track time inside of HubSpot AND when time is tracked outside of HubSpot, it has to be manually connected to a quote or deal or ticket, which makes billing a pain.


What do y'all think?

13 Replies

100,000% True. Our account managers are needing a time tracking tool inside their deals/accounts or custom object and integrating to a secondary app is yet  Another step for them. I am not a developer but it could be as simple as a "Start timer" inside a deal and then "Stop timer" and then it accumulates in a TOTAL inside the deal, but you could also perhaps see the logs and edit them in case you made a mistake. I really hope this is coming to HubSpot!!!


Needed for Service too for ticket time entries for billing clients!


Needed on the Service Hub side especially to be able to track and bill hours accordingly.


Hi all,


We had exactly the same requirement and issue. Now we use clockify which integrates with hubspot directly when you install their browser extension.




Currently we just use their free plan but will be moving to their pro plan to accomodate for budgeted time based service customers which you can apply to "projects". 


Hope this helps someone else out!




Contributor | Diamond Partner

Hi @ethankopit 

Great idea, absolutely would be an extremely valuable feature. Until HubSpot releases a native feature themselves, we'll have to rely on solutions in the app marketplace.

For anyone who has access to custom objects in their HubSpot portal(s), you might be interested in StopWatch for HubSpot (a simple time tracking app designed to exist entirely within HubSpot). It allows you to track time against Contacts, Companies, Deals and Tickets using a "StopWatch" interface in the right sidebar on an individual HubSpot record view, with the resulting "Time Logs" saved as custom object records within your HubSpot account. If you are interested, you can find the app's usage guide here.

All the best,



@zaklein  - This is awesome - we'll check it out and let you know if there's feedback

Contributor | Diamond Partner

@LPereira3  I'm glad you like the idea 😄

Please do get in touch if you have any questions or feedback. More than happy to help.



HubSpot Employee

+1 -- would be great to have time tracking tools for support and sales reps! 


We could use such feature as well. 


has there been any progress here???


This is exactly what I'm looking for in services to help determine utilization rates.


This would be nice, so if you have a service ticket or project you can collect the amount of time each person spent on the item. This would be a great feature so that you would be able to identify what additional resources you may need to hire or move within a department or company. 


We currently use Jira as a PM tool with time tracking (Tempo) for our consultants, but we are very interested in what HubSpot could bring to the table in order for us to integrate our teams better, between Operations, Business Development and Account Management. (The Jira integration doesn't work well for us either)


Ideally, a simple time tracking tool, where our consultants can enter in the time they spent with their clients under certain contracts (deals). (ie, 1 hour on 9/9/2024 with a description of the work). If there was a calendar integration for them that would be even a bigger plus!

We would need a simple way to report on this as well, for invoicing purposes.