HubSpot Ideas


A New kind o Property (Link)

I was making a one line text property to save the Google maps or Waze link when some clients sent it to us. It is a pretty useful info to our street agents to be use via movil phones and find our client´s houses, when the text address is not enogth. It work well but no ideal, our agents have to select the text and execute the app to open the map, two or three steps in comparation of when the client send the link througth Whatsapp, one step, touch the link. 

If there were a new kind of property that save the text as a link, the same way the mail or the phone propertys save it coult work better. 

The property as a link coult be use in many ways, link to images, save the url of the company, save the Linkedit address of a client, etc.