**For customers with multilingual sites it's a must to allow a/b testing for pages with translations.**
The actual solution recommended by the HubSpot support is an evil hack around that undermines all developers efforts to provide easy to use multilingual solutions.
"The A /B test is attached to the "standard" language, in your case EN, not to both languages. If you want to run both languages as an A / B test, you need to create separate landing pages, one for EN and one for DE. I would suggest that I have an idea in the Idea forum to create what a feature will be available in the future. For such an idea to be implemented."
So please go for it and make it happen asap!
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
Update: We're still in the process of rolling this feature out. We had some technical issues which delayed our original timeline slightly, but all is now resolved and I expect all portals (Marketing Professional & Enterprise) will have multi-language page testing in mid-March 2020.
Thank you all for your patience as we continue to work on this!
Update: We're now in the process of rolling out multi-language page testing to existing customers! I expect all customers will have access to this feature by the end of February, 2020.
It is also not currently not possible to add additional language translations once an A/B test has been created for a landing page. It would be a good function for the customers to have the functionality to add additional languages after an A/B test has run.
+1 This is crucial for Launchpad sites and the Growth Driven Design process. We have several clients on a GDD-retainer with multi-lang pages where it can create a stand-still sometimes and a lot of work-arounds.
There are more issues to this, which even block workarounds to the issue original:
I cannot create a translation of a page that has an A/B test, even if the test has been stopped months ago!
I cannot create a page that is "German only" if my main portal language is set to "Italian"
I cannot substitute the Language-Version of a page with another page that was created in the same language (instead I will have to create nasty redirects and go into risky SEO activities)
I found a way that is a bit insane but will do the Job and deliver a specific page in a language that is not the main portal language. It goes like this:
Create a new page
Create a translation of that page in the language you want
Only publish the translation version of the page
Of course this is BS, but at least you will have a page in the Language you whish and can point to it from other pages.
PS: another impossibility is that I cannot implement a German Support-Chat on the German Page and an Italian Support-Chat on the Italian page... might be the reason for us to quit btw.
Update: We're now in the process of rolling out multi-language page testing to existing customers! I expect all customers will have access to this feature by the end of February, 2020.
Update: We're still in the process of rolling this feature out. We had some technical issues which delayed our original timeline slightly, but all is now resolved and I expect all portals (Marketing Professional & Enterprise) will have multi-language page testing in mid-March 2020.
Thank you all for your patience as we continue to work on this!
Multi-language page testing is now available for all Marketing Professional, Marketing Enterprise, and CMS add-on portals!
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