There currently isn't a way to A/B test forms. I'm assuming other users out there would be interested in A/B testing whether or not certain fields create higher form submission drop off than others.
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To add more clarity here - we did not complete the development of the Forms A/B testing feature and it was never in the beta testing stage. We had to drop this before the development was fully done to address other priorities. I hope that clarifies.
@PaddyBlocks Thank you for your inputs. Yes, we would definitely like to revisit building Forms A/B testing feature later. We are not actively pursuing it now in order to focus on other feature improvements.
Would love to see this idea implemented! Like many people we have our forms on our site separated from Hubspot, so it would be great to be able to compare them!
This would be great to have for embedded forms. Right now, there's not really an option to test forms unless you use Hubspot for your website/landing pages as well.
Giving this topic a +1 as well. We are using a few embedded forms on our site and would love to have the opportunity to test different fields via an A/B test.
It is not feasible or efficient to test pop-up and drop down forms by going through landing pages. I have the pop up on 100's of pages. Please, address A/B testing, so I can drop in text variants and get some data to improve conversion.
How are we supposed to grow our business if we can't optimize lead forms! Please please prioitize this.. Looks like it's been on the roadmap for 5 years
Having to set up a landing page A/B test when we only want to test if a form field should be required is overkill. It would be awesome to be able to set A/B options of form fields and be able to compare the conversion rates.
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