There currently isn't a way to A/B test forms. I'm assuming other users out there would be interested in A/B testing whether or not certain fields create higher form submission drop off than others.
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I'm perplexed as to why this wasn't implemented from day 1 of the Lead Flow tool. That's arguably the single most relevant element in the entire HubSpot platform where A/B testing should be implemented. I'd like to test different offers against each other, different copy, different pop-up methods...all in pursuit of capturing more genuinely qualified leads.
+1, this is a MUST for any serious marketer, and Hubspot knows it. A/B testing should be immediately available for any conversion tool (ctas, emails, workflows, leadflows...)
Agreed. We definitely need to be able to do A/B testing with the lead flow pop ups similar to the emails. We'd like to test which popup variations work best for our target customers. We also want to see which messaging works best. Seems like this is a no-brainer necessity for inbound marketing!
Hello Bar offers this feature and it has been very useful to test what language and words work better. Also, to test what converts better. Sadly they don't offer a Hubspot integration so my team had to build one. Also, it is not possible to target based on lifecycle stage since Hello Bar does not have the data.
It would be most optimum if Hubspot gave the A/B testing feature + some of the other features of Hello Bar. Till then Hello Bar is a good alternative. Here is my affiliate link of Hello Bar in case someone wants to register and get a free account: Click here to get a FREE account of Hello Bar
P.S. I am not sure if Hubspot rules allow sharing affiliate links. Please let me know if I should take it off. Though, I would still recommend it as an alternative to Hubspot Popups till A/B testing and other features are available.
Would love to see this functionality. Would be super useful in the workflow example mentioned by @cpieri above, and beyond that, just the ability to test form completion rates on the same page with different levels of info required, to find that perfect balance between what our team needs and what people are willing to give us during a first inquiry.
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