HubSpot Community Blog

by: HubSpot Moderator
HubSpot Moderator

Meet Breeze: easy-to-use AI that powers the entire customer platform

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In 2023, we laid the groundwork by embedding AI across our customer platform, and at this year’s IN, we reintroduced HubSpot’s AI as Breeze to help teams like yours grow better with AI.


What is Breeze? 
Breeze is HubSpot’s AI that powers the entire customer platform. It includes: 


  • Copilot is your virtual assistant that works with you everywhere you go in HubSpot.

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  • Agents automate tasks and work for you, so you can focus on more strategic work. 

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  • Breeze features help you with specific tasks across the platform. 

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  • Intelligence to give you the most complete picture of your customers. 

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What’s the value of Breeze? 

Breeze reinvents what’s possible for your business, delivering easy AI out of the box, fast results, and the most unified customer data powering your AI across marketing, sales, and service.


Get Involved and Share Your Insights!

We’d love to hear from you! Share your experiences, use cases, examples, or best practices:


Join, subscribe, and share in the AI Library!


Your contributions help us continue to improve and serve you better. Plus, staying updated is easy—just subscribe to the Breeze AI Library board.


Enjoy & grow better with Breeze.  


Learn more about Breeze here