HubSpot Admins HUG

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Colaborador líder | Partner

[RECORDING] Show & Tell + Special Guest Appearance

HubSpot Admins are always building, configuring, adjusting, testing, iterating, and sometimes even hacking things inside of HubSpot, often without anyone there to applaud the work they're doing. No more!


If you've done something in HubSpot you're particularly proud of, come ready to share it with the group (at our next live event). If you're looking for HubSpot inspiration, come see what others have built!


We will have panelists presenting their concepts and creations that will help you be a better admin AND HubSpot system user.


A few takeaways you'll leave with:

  • Ways to think outside of the box
  • How to reduce your onboarding time by at least 40%
  • Ideas to extend HubSpot, the power of integrations

There may even be a workflow to steal...and a special cameo.


A special thanks to our Show & Tell Speakers:


Lindsey Framer

Connect with Lindsey:

Onboarding Playbook, check it out (Recorded demo:


Karin Tamir

Connect with Karin:

SMSit App on HubSpot Marketplace, check it out.


Stuart Balcombe

Connect with Stuart:

Steal all the workflows here.


Special thanks to our on-the-spot volunteer...


Caroline Prettyman

Connect with Caroline:



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