HubSpot Admins HUG

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HubSpot Employee

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One of the best ways to learn about HubSpot  is by implementing strategies and sharing ideas with other HubSpot Admins, just like you.


That’s why we’re so excited to create this community of HubSpot Admins to learn and grow better together!


To get started, say hello and introduce yourself. Here are some questions to help you get started:


  • What's your current role?
  • What industry do you currently work in?
  • How long have you been using HubSpot? 
  • What do you hope to get out of this HUG? 
  • Dream speakers for this HUG?
15 Replies 15

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Hello. My name is Jenna Morin. I am Sales Lead at an early stage tech startup. I am new to Hubspot(former Salesforce user). I am hoping to get a solid grasp of implementation, common stumbles or roadblocks, locate an implementation checklist of some kind for Sales, Marketing, Content and Support, and hopefully meet some people that can share challenges and successes.


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Hello everyone, I am Dale Gearhart.  I work for a company that manufactures, sells, and supports high-speed intelligent document imaging machines.   I was introduced to the HUG at INBOUND this year.


  • What's your current role?   Currently I am a Business Systems Architect focusing on just the service/support side of our company. 
  • What industry do you currently work in? Manufacturing and support.
  • How long have you been using HubSpot? We started our migration to HubSpot in January 2024 and went live at the end of May.  It was a very steep climb to be live in HubSpot before our previous application went dark.  Now we are starting to circle back and optimize our environment.
  • What do you hope to get out of this HUG?  Tips, tricks, and strategies to uncomplicate our toolsets as well as how other people in this industry or focus have tackled complex issues related to end-user support.
  • Dream speakers for this HUG? I'm not sure yet, but I'd love to hear from other service-centered admins and how they manage their ticket flow, end-user(external) SLA's as opposed to internal SLA's, etc.

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👋😊Hello everyone, my name is Maria Roman.  I work for a global consultancy company.


  • What's your current role?
    • I am the CRM Administrator/Risk Analyst for the organization. I am responsible for the onboarding of new clients, conducting the dug diligence and ensuring that the data within our organization is complete and accurate.
  • What industry do you currently work in?
    • Professional consulting services
  • How long have you been using HubSpot? 
    • We have had an HubSpot account for over 3+ years, however it has not been utilized properly and I have been tasked to assess it's current state and re-organize it so that we can maximize all of HS tools.
  • What do you hope to get out of this HUG? 
    • I hope to get as much advice, insight and networking opportunity that is available to help me add value to our organization's use of HS.  Learn about all the new resources, tips and tricks on how to be an effective CRM administrator.
  • Dream speakers for this HUG?
    • Still new to the community 

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Buenas tardes soy Rocio de Villa Mercedes San Luis-Argentina. Todo esto es nuevo para mi, recién estoy en mis comienzos.

Actualmente trabajo en Quickfood como analista de ventas y seria bueno lo que aprenda lo pueda implementar.


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Hi all,


My name is Marten Dames and I'm working at a Dutch digital marketing agency called Leadscope where we help B2B customer achieve their online growth goals. 


  • What's your current role?
    • I'm responsible for our Marketing Automation clients and the HubSpot partnership. 
  • What industry do you currently work in?
    • Digital marketing
  • How long have you been using HubSpot? 
    • For +/- 2 years
  • What do you hope to get out of this HUG? 
    • Sharing thoughts and new strategies!
  • Dream speakers for this HUG?
    • Enthousiastic HubSpot users and leaders focust on innovation!

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Hi Everyone, 


My name is Karina and I work for an agency focused on creating digital solutions to develop scalable growth for businesses in The Netherlands. I am looking forward to connect with fellow HubSpot admins and share knowledge. Here's a little bit about me:


  • What's your current role? I am a RevOps Specialist - I analyze current processes and implement new strategies for an optimized user- & customer exeperience using HubSpot.
  • What industry do you currently work in? We are currently focused on the SaaS industry.
  • How long have you been using HubSpot? For almost two years and counting. In my past roles I did use other CRM systems.
  • What do you hope to get out of this HUG? Connecting, discussing, learning with fellow HubSpot admins.
  • Dream speakers for this HUG? I would love to be inspired by businesses that have succesfully implemented RevOps strategies and see what it have resulted for them.

New to the HubSpot Admins HUG? Introduce yourself here ‌⬇️‌

Hello Everyone!

My name is Khristian, I used to work at HubSpot now I'm a CRM Admin for my current company (PEO Company).

What do you hope to get out of this HUG?
      I'm really excited to learn about standardizations regarding the CRM admin world and be able to implement those strategies 

I also hope to be able to contribute to ideas and other projects within this group!

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Hi All,


Some of you may already know me as the co-leader of the Admin HUG but figured I would introduce myself to anyone I haven't met YET!


My name is D'Ana Guiloff (pronounced: Dee-Anna, Gui - like the martial arts uniform - loff).


Currently, besides co-hosting the HUG, I run my own agency for agencies, helping fill in the bandwidth or knowledge gap they may have with HubSpot to serve their clients.


Not focused on a particular industry, but I often find my services are needed more in the B2B space frequently.


I have been using HubSpot since 2013, when it was just a single HUB, and I have ALWAYS been a fan of Workflows. WOW has it grown! 


My main goal in joining the Admin HUG, even before @KyleJepson asked me to Co-Host it, was to meet other Admins, share knowledge/resources and be the best me I can be. Not much has changed now, except I get to help the HUG scale like I do my clients' businesses. Pretty cool!


I definitely have a few in mind, (they're not ALL workflow related, don't worry) and we have some pretty great events on the calendar and planning board, you'll have to join and come see, invite your colleagues, and prepare for a good time! 🧡🐙


Definitely connect with me on LinkedIn, I am always excited to see what amazing things Admins are doing with HubSpot and how they're solving problems people didn't even know they had, so please share!




New to the HubSpot Admins HUG? Introduce yourself here ‌⬇️‌

Hi Everyone, thought I had better jump on and introduce myself, 

  • What's your current role?

I am our Group CRM Specialist - I am responsible for Hubspot and training all our users on how to use it effectively.

  • What industry do you currently work in?

Materials Handling

  • How long have you been using HubSpot? 

We're very new to Hubspot - I first looked at it at the end of October last year, and got all our sales teams in by December. A lot has happened in the last year - it's been busy!

  • What do you hope to get out of this HUG? 

I hope to learn some good tips and tricks from those more experienced with the platform and therefore improve our use of it and my knowledge.

  • Dream speakers for this HUG?

I don't have anyone specific in mind, but I would be interested to here from someone who's business has a lot of repeat customers as I feel this is where we struggle with Hubspot a bit sometimes, so would love to hear how others are getting round this. 

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Hi Everyone, 

I'm Jocelyn and I'm a partner at ICE Worldwide, a digital marketing agency in NH. I specialize in creating digital campaigns that deliver positive ROI for SMBs in the tech industry. Hubspot is a big part of the equation. 

I've been using HubSpot for ages. It was either 2009/2019 when I first had a client choose HubSpot over Eloqua. At the time - I was very skeptical. 


HubSpot has evolved so much over the last few years and is continuing to expand. If you know how all the Hubs work and stay updated on the changes - your campaigns and clients have a huge benefit. I'm really interested in complex use cases.

Dream speaker for this HUG? I'd love to hear from experts on LinkedIn / HubSpot integrations. How are they finding success with ads and LinkedIn events? What are they doing that is out of the ordinary?  Additionally, right now I'm thinking about a HubSpot / SAP integration ..., so any speakers on that would be timely. 🙂 




New to the HubSpot Admins HUG? Introduce yourself here ‌⬇️‌

Hi all, 

I'm excited to have stumbled across this HUG!

  • What's your current role?
    Currently a freelance MarTech & Strategy Consultant with a focus on Hubspot
  • What industry do you currently work in?
    Most of my clients are in Software & Tech. I stick to the B2B world
  • How long have you been using HubSpot? 
    Since about 2013 🙂
  • What do you hope to get out of this HUG? 
    A group of experts to help when I get stuck and further opportunities to learn. I love new frameworks or learning how others solve problems. 
  • Dream speakers for this HUG?
    No names come to mind but I'm most interested in learning about new ways to leverage behavioral events data and custom code both in Hubspot and via API. 

New to the HubSpot Admins HUG? Introduce yourself here ‌⬇️‌

  • What's your current role?
    • HubSpot Technical Support but I end up doing more than just tightening the virtual nuts and bolts and providing my clients with insights on best practices etc.
  • What industry do you currently work in?
    • Good question. I've worked with over twenty clients in the past ten years but it is safe to say that SaaS-based tech companies are the common denominator for most. Industry - from marketing technologies to sub-surface radar - you name it!
  • How long have you been using HubSpot? 
    • Another good question. Probably since the HubSpot CRM became available. When was that 2010? I've been an Inbound "fanatic" since I read Halligan's and Shah's book Inbound Marketing. I had already come to realize that the conventional pre-internet way of doing business wouldn't work in the new environment. Their book was like a blast of fresh air that made all the Internet's business inconsistencies clear to me. Although I have woven Outbound Marketing with Inbound Marketing techniques, I am truly an Inbound Marketing professional.
  • What do you hope to get out of this HUG? 
    • Learn. Learn. Learn. Help out where I can. I find that I learn more from users' questions than any other way. Perhaps learning from fellow HubSpot technical professionals would "up-my-game?"
  • Dream speakers for this HUG?
    • I can't say who but I can say what. I struggle with the creation of reports my users really need, often to the length of adding Custom Properties to track significant activity. That is definitely one area I feel my expertise is lacking.
    Looking forward to learning and growing together!
    Yoel Ben-Avraham
    Inbound Marketing & Sales Evangelist
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Hi - 

I'm John Opie, Senior Sales Operations Manager for Scope Group. Scope Group is the European rating agency, aimed at disrupting the oligarchy of the rating industry. 


Long journey to HubSpot, working most of my career as econometrician and economist, industrial forecasting and ratings. I moved to the darkside (business development as it is known by the analysts) in Feb 2021, and am "Mr HubSpot" for the company. Ardent user and believer in workflows and the use of automation to free people from mundane tasks, as well as integrating HubSpot with other systems to reduce friction and enable the company to scale up operations massively when needed.


While not quite a digital kiddie, I have been online since 1987, active in things like FidoNet, UseNet and BBS, as well as having been a moderator-at-large at WatchUSeek, the world's largest watch forum, for many years.  Hence I hope to get out of this HUB community that which we get out of any community: an extended "family" of those sharing similar concerns and issues, offering a sympathetic ear and maybe some sound advice. 


Dream speakers? Everyone has a story to tell, let's find the interesting ones where value is created (rather than administered), where users are liberated from the mundane and where solutions are insightful and not accomplished with brute force.


Oh, and HubSpot needs new business cards for Kyle with the title "Gandalf of HubSpot", although we might have to require him to grow the appropriate beard for that to happen...

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Hi everyone and thank you Kyle for managing this HUG! 🙂


  • What's your current role?
    • Owner of consultancy company, partnering with other HubSpot Solution Partners as a HubSpot Solutions Architect (RevOps tech stack consultant)
  • What industry do you currently work in?
    • Marketing & Advertising I assume 🙂 although I often put IT&C or other tech related industry
  • How long have you been using HubSpot? 
    • About 5 years now, loving the product (exited web dev agency ownership to focus on HubSpot platform services)!
  • What do you hope to get out of this HUG? 
    • Learn new things about HubSpot and being an admin and sharing from my experiences in this area
  • Dream speakers for this HUG?
    • Kyle 🙂 of course, Connor Jeffers from A8, Nicole Pereira from Remotish, Lauren Kennedy from Coastal Consulting, Rosalyn Santa Elena from RevOps Collective

Daniel Secareanu

RevOps Solutions Architect

Tigros Mark Tech

Bucharest, Romania

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New to the HubSpot Admins HUG? Introduce yourself here ‌⬇️‌

Kyle - it's been a minutes since we've talked, but can't thank you enough for the vital role you play in educating everyone about the new features and functionality of HubSpot. You are filling a HUGE need here.


For those I haven't met, I'm Allen Helms - a CRM consultant based in Atlanta. I'm what's sometimes called an "accidental Admin" who started out as certified Salesforce System Admin back in 2010 and have evolved into becoming an Advanced Implementation HubSpot Admin since they introduced a CRM back in 2015.


As a HubSpot partner, I actually specialize in better integrating HubSpot with Salesforce or helping Salesforce clients move over to Hubspot CRM when it's a better fit (which is happening a lot more frequently now).


My dream speakers would be anyone from the HubSpot Product or Tech Support side who can share practical use cases of specific functionality they are using to solve common HubSpot customer pain points - especially with regards to tracking and gaining more insight from how contacts progress through their journey inside the CRM towards becoming a customer. For example - how they are using outbound sequences in combination with custom lifecycle stages and workflows to decrease sales cycle times or create better reporting. Or, exactly how they are finding better ways to run their ABM programs in HubSpot.


Allen Helms

HubSpot/Salesforce CRM Consultant

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